south korea

China, South Korea and Japan held a three-way forum on public diplomacy here in Beijing today. [...] The forum aimed to promote cooperation among the three nations. It had three sub-forums separately focusing on political, economic and cultural cooperation.

Conan Stars In North Korea’s First Late Night Talk Show

Conan O'Brien took his comedy show to South Korea, visiting the World Tae Kwon Do headquarters, a Buddhist Temple and the DMZ. 

To expand cultural exchange with other countries, the festival has started designating a guest of honor nation since 2013. South Korea has become the fourth such nation, following Russia in 2013, the U.S. in 2014, and China in 2015.

Former senior officials from South Korea, China and Japan will hold their first three-way forum on public diplomacy later this week to help promote cooperation among the three nations […] The forum "will discuss how to deepen dialogue and exchange among the three countries," Hua said. "We believe that this will make a constructive role for promoting trilateral cooperation and interactions."

After attending the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit on April 1 in Washington D.C., South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto headed down to Mexico City to hold their second bilateral summit, albeit the first one hosted by one of the two countries. [...] the aggressive pursuit of economic diplomacy was at the core of South Korea’s agenda for the April 2-5 Korea-Mexico summit.

If Trump became president, “it would at the very least create confusion and carries the risk of triggering a major turning point for the Japan-US alliance and Japan’s overall diplomacy”, Maeshima said.

The Korean Foundation, affiliated with the South Korean Foreign Ministry, and Singapore's Nanyang Technological University (NTU) signed a pact on Monday to establish the first endowed professorship in Korean studies, the foundation said. The pact [...] calls for the establishment of the post of professor in Korean studies and a course on contemporary Korean society starting in next year's fall semester at the earliest.

After more than six decades, United States Forces Korea (USFK) and its mission on the Korean Peninsula are a misunderstood aspect of U.S. foreign policy. [...] Furthermore, the majority of media attention and public debate regarding the perennial security threat posed by North Korea have centered on the DPRK’s weapons of mass destruction
