south korea

December 20, 2014

South Korean embassy in Dhaka is going to organise a music concert at Shah Amanat Auditorium in Chittagong on Saturday, ending three days of celebration to mark 41 years of diplomatic ties.

In 2010, the European Union (EU) and Korea began a new era of engagement by establishing a strategic partnership, which intends to strengthen bilateral dialogue and cooperation in regional and global affairs. In this context, cooperation on international development appears to be a promising issue for the future agenda of the Korea- EU partnership.

The United States’ top envoy to Korea has decided to take a smart approach to his public relations ― putting his blog and dog at the forefront of his efforts to connect with South Koreans. 

Since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s return to power in December 2012, Japan’s diplomatic relations with South Korea have continuously worsened. Abe’s persistent stance on the Yasukuni Shrine, the Dokdo/Takeshima territorial dispute and the ‘comfort women’ issue has elicited fierce opposition from the South Korean government.

Scholars and journalists from South Korea and the United States kicked off a forum on public diplomacy Monday, exchanging assessments and ideas about how better to reach out and win the hearts and minds of the people of the two allies.

"The success of South Korean brands has a lot to do with Chinese consumers copying the style of South Korean soap opera and music stars," Rudd told CNN. "They'll even go so far as to get the particular products being used by these stars. The stores will try to get in the exact shades that South Korean actresses are using."

October 26, 2014

The Republic of Korea is a country rich in history, culture and creativity. It’s time to get the word out.  If image is everything, South Korea needs a tune up. At least as far as the West is concerned.

On Wednesday, North Korea said Mr. Kim had personally ordered Mr. Fowle’s release after considering requests from President Obama. 
