south korea

Japan is stepping up a campaign to promote a “correct understanding” of its wartime past, in a move that may anger China and South Korea ahead of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in August. 

Korean Cultural Center announced the globally popular music phenomenon, K-POP 2015 Concert Tour in India. With the collaboration of JU Entertainment and all the Festival Organizers, Korean Cultural Center India brings you the first ever K-pop concert in India.

The most recent round of mini-détente on the Korean peninsula began with a surprise visit by a high-caliber North Korean delegation to the closing ceremony of the Asian Games last October. Though the two sides agreed to more meetings later in October or November, North Korea backed off, citing consternation over activists’ leaflet campaigns. On December 29, Seoul’s unification minister, Ryoo Kihl-jae, sent a letter to the North, seeking negotiations on bilateral issues such as family reunions for those separated by the Korean War (1950-53).

In recognition of his efforts to foster enhanced friendship and cooperation between New Delhi and Seoul, South Korea on Monday appointed business tycoon and TVS Motor Company Chairman Venu Srinivasan the Goodwill Envoy for Public Diplomacy. 

January 16, 2015

A special interview with former president of South Korea's Arirang TV.

The United States, Japan, and South Korea signed a military pact that will lead to the three countries sharing intelligence and other sensitive information on North Korea’s progress toward a nuclear missile as well as the state of the country’s general military preparedness.

India and South Korea share warm and friendly relations that are officially described as a “friction-free relationship”. Its major companies have experience of manufacturing in India, and South Korea is looking to diversify its markets. (...) Korea with its trade and economic prowess should be a natural partner for prime minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Make in India’ programme.

South Korea's de facto embassy in Taiwan yesterday held the first-ever South Korea-Taiwan Cultural Exchange Seminar in Taipei to promote closer bilateral exchanges.
