
President Paul Kagame has called on African nations to scale up investments in research to increase impact of science in development.The president was speaking at the opening session of the Next Einstein Forum (NEF) currently underway in Dakar, Senegal.

President Paul Kagame and his Djiboutian counterpart Ismael Omar Guelleh yesterday pledged to do more to advance trade between the two countries [...] The briefing was preceded by the signing of a General Cooperation Agreement between the two countries to provide a foundation for future technical agreements. 

The United States and Pakistan discussed cooperation in education, science and technology, which both sides said provides a lasting foundation for ties and serves as an engine for long-term economic growth.

Hollywood has long been a powerful shaper of global culture. [...] But increasingly films such as “Sivas” and other foreign-language movies, including those nominated for this year’s Academy Awards, are chipping at the edges of American dominance. 

February 21, 2016

In an age far less connected than today, the Expo was an opportunity for countries to showcase their very best, influencing the development of commerce, art and architecture, education, technology and tourism. Inventions such as the telephone, aluminium and steel were first presented at such exhibitions.

Revolving around the theme of innovation, design and sustainability, the Make In India Centre showcases some of the country's most innovative and trendsetting products and manufacturing processes before the world for the first time after the global launch of the 'Make In India' initiative in September 2014.

Seeking “soft power,” in the Arab world, China is setting up some educational collaborations to invest in the Arab world’s scientific and technical workforce. These aims were outlined in what is being called the Chinese government’s first Arab policy paper, published earlier this month.  

The Voice of America and the U.S. international broadcasting community as a whole could use structural reform and more money. But that’s not why they appear to be failing miserably. No. The real failure is that they lack conviction. And without that, they will continue to appear irrelevant.
