
Israel’s bottom-up, early interdisciplinary approach to innovation has made it a strong partner in Europe’s research programs, according to Moedas, who sees science not just changing the world but building bridges between people entrenched in bitter conflicts.

The Islamic State's media and propaganda division, famous for its internet presence, launched a groundbreaking new endeavor on Sunday in the form of a satellite television station broadcasting to Mosul, Iraq.

Besides expanding its influence in Africa, China is establishing deeper economic ties with European countries as a part of its One Belt, One Road initiative. The initiative is intended to "place China firmly" into the large EU markets, linking the East and the West of the Eurasian continent through a vast network of high-speed railways and maritime routes.

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) held the Okinawa International Cooperation and Exchange Festival 2015 at the Okinawa International Center in Maeda, Urasoe. JICA’s interns, learning about technology from all over the world, and about 30 international cooperation and exchange associations in Okinawa ran booths.

Global health diplomacy is the interdisciplinary field where health sciences, including medicine, meet policy-making. A simple definition would struggle to capture the broad spectrum covered by this emerging field, which exceeds the disciplinary boundaries of public policy and health sciences. The discipline relies on training, advanced research and critical exploration of cultural, social and political affairs and their relation to healthcare.

Funded by a $40 million investment from Microsoft Corp., the University of Washington and China’s elite Tsinghua University will launch a new program in Seattle in the fall of 2016 to focus on technology and design innovation—a cooperative move between nations for whom technology has been a sore point in recent years. The “Global Innovation Exchange” will represent the first physical presence by a Chinese research university on U.S.

Examining governmental advocacy efforts abroad in today's digital environment.
