
The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) and the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) jointly inaugurated an office in Taipei on Saturday, with the aim of deepening ties between them. The Tokyo Institute of Technology Engineering Office in Taiwan will be responsible for faculty and student exchange programs and business internships between the two schools, said Liao Ching-jong, president of Taiwan Tech, where the office is located.

Trust-building measures through candid exchange and action via multilateral and bilateral accords on key common challenges are needed, specifically counterfeiting, cyber-crime, piracy, terrorism, greater financial openness, and transparency. 

Tablet by Universidad de Navarra

Digital diplomacy is more than social media visibility.

After more than six decades, United States Forces Korea (USFK) and its mission on the Korean Peninsula are a misunderstood aspect of U.S. foreign policy. [...] Furthermore, the majority of media attention and public debate regarding the perennial security threat posed by North Korea have centered on the DPRK’s weapons of mass destruction

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting Estonian counterpart Taavi Roivas pledged Friday to strengthen cooperation on cybersecurity and digital identification technology.

Former teacher and professional wrestler Hiroshi Hase, Japan’s Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, discusses the impact the 2020 Olympics is having on the country’s infrastructure, attitude to sport, education sector, and spirit of innovation.

150612-Z-MG742-031 by New York National Guard

The CNN effect was touted through the 1990s, but today's media-conflict relationship is a bit more complex.

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on Saturday held a meeting with Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas during which they did a comprehensive review of the bilateral ties between the two countries and explored the possibility of elevating the relationship between the two countries to a new level.
