
Interestingly, the resurgence of Asia as a continent is resting significantly on the rise of its ‘soft power’. Asian tigers, including nations such as India and China that are gradually tilting the global economic balance, are emerging as powerful ‘influencers’ in the new international economic order.

It was a state visit that for many sparked memories of another nearly 30 years ago, when William’s parents Charles and Diana, then Prince and Princess of Wales, came to the country for five days of pomp and pressing the flesh in 1986.

Representatives from 58 countries and international organizations, as well as 31 science ministers from the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) states will meet in Tehran on Sunday. The meeting, hosted by the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, will continue until Tuesday.

 In just seven (2008-2015) years, China has developed the longest network of high speed railway (about 16,000 km with the expectation of adding another 16,000 km by 2020) in the world as well as some of the best technologies related to high speed railway development. Besides its obvious economic and technological successes, China’s high speed railway also has huge foreign policy implications in three ways.

Eric B. Schnurer explores how the Estonian government is using the internet as a new space for collaboration, engagement and partnership in his article for Foreign Affairs magazine.

As China's economic and political clout grows, so does the nation's role in the Middle East. The country has already overtaken the US as the largest oil importer. But can Beijing also bring stability to the region?

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Naci Koru, in an exclusive interview with Daily Sabah, said that efforts to develop technological reforms were prioritized in the Foreign Ministry and the e-visa and e-archives projects would be introduced soon.
