tokyo olympics

The latest issue in our scholarly paper series is an article by CPD Research Fellow Yoav Dubinsky.

Despite setbacks, the 2020 Summer Olympics showcased public diplomacy values in several areas.

CPD Research Fellow Yoav Dubinsky reports from the Olympic Games on how Japan's country image is faring.

Eriks Varpahovskis reviews the staying power of public memory when it comes to the Olympic Games and national reputation.

Tokyo's Governor pledges reform and transparency for the next summer Olympics.
Now that I have been elected Governor of Tokyo, which will host the 2020 Games, I am quickly preparing myself and my team for the grueling tests of management that lie ahead of us. In particular, we must become world-class cost-control accountants, so that the Games are a success not just for the athletes, but also for the citizens of Tokyo and all Japanese. We want to take pride in our Games, and we cannot do that if we hobble future generations with debt.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting Estonian counterpart Taavi Roivas pledged Friday to strengthen cooperation on cybersecurity and digital identification technology.