Dr Tedros, Foreign Minister of Italy, Paolo Gentiloni and Somalia’s Foreign Minister Abdisalam Hadiye Omer met at the margins of the 70th UN General Assembly in New York. Dr Tedros also pointed out that it is important to organize a Somali business forum to change "the failing Somali narrative" and change stereotypes about the country.
[The U.N. Sustainable Development Goals are] a long list, featuring 17 goals written in the dense language of geopolitics. But how to do that when there are cross-cultural divides, language barriers, and 757 million people around the world who cannot read or write? Enter Jakob Trollbäck, graphic designer and chief creative officer of design and branding firm Trollbäck + Company.

Natasha Rastegari speaks to a family seeking refuge in Iraq.

James Pamment issues a call to action for public diplomats.
The more significant question to ask is whether it serves as an important tool for India’s aspirations as a global power. Many have written that yoga is one of the best “soft power” tools in India’s global tool kit. In the US alone, it claims to be a heavy-duty industry worth more than $30 billion. Most people who practice yoga know that it emerged in India almost 5,000 years ago, and recognise its holistic attributes. So, how will this grand-scale exercise enhance India’s global image?
Today France and the United States are engaged on the same side of a political conflict with Tehran, but contrary to historic perception of both countries, it is the U.S. that has proven quickest to surrender the cause. France has earned the reputation for steadfastness and the toughest stance of all six powers sitting across the table from the Iran mullahs.
The adoption of 21 June as the International Yoga Day by the United Nations signifies the support that recent diplomatic endeavours of the government have evoked on the world stage, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said on Monday.