los angeles

“Public Diplomacy in the News” is a CPD Blog series by Andrew Dubbins, featuring noteworthy recent stories in public diplomacy.

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy convened in Los Angeles on March 30 the 3rd CPD Summit on City Diplomacy.

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy will convene in Los Angeles on March 30-31 the 3rd CPD Summit on City Diplomacy.

Mark Kristmanson in dialogue with CPD Senior Research Specialist Sohaela Amiri on the value of sister city relationships during crisis.

The Korea Foundation grant will use the lens of city diplomacy to explore Koreatown's role between South Korea and the U.S.

Check out this exclusive video featuring U.S. city leaders on the topic of city diplomacy.

Recent developments in U.S.-Iran relations highlight how local diplomacy can bring together the people of Los Angeles and Tehran, writes CPD Research Associate Sohaela Amiri.