The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

In recent years, the platform formerly known as Twitter, and now rebranded X, has lost millions of users. Will diplomats join the X-odus?

Recent trends in digitalized public diplomacy demonstrate that digital tools are increasingly used to undermine connectedness and to strengthen separateness.

Image of a man climbing towards a door to AI by elnur via Canva

In the post-truth era, public diplomacy counters online falsehoods and promotes compelling digital narratives for one's own truth.

A robotic hand touching the word AI by ipopba via Canva

CPD Research Fellow Ilan Manor indicates how AIs, without proper regulation, can pose a series of challenges to public diplomacy.

Virtual skateboarding metaverse image by vector pocket via

CPD Research Fellow Ilan Manor considers forward-looking perspectives on virtual technologies and PD. 

Protest illustration by makyzz via

A recent scholarly debate at ICA 2021 covered various media interpretations of social protests and implications for PD.
