Multimedia Resources

Recruiting Students in Fight Against Zika

An innovative program by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is empowering student scientists to track the spread of the Zika virus in the United States. 

Hijab-Wearing Dance Group Brings People Together Through Hip-Hop

Award-winning dance group We're Muslim Don't Panic is on a mission to stamp out Islamophobia with hip-hop.

How the Real Obama Met the Real Pánfilo

A behind-the-scenes look at President Obama's guest appearance on the hit Cuban comedy show Vivir del Cuento.

SlinCraze inspires Sámi youth with rap music

Can rap music help make an endangered language relevant to 21st century youth? 

Art Project in Turkey Seeks to Bridge Ethnic Divide

Explore the public diplomacy potential of art to facilitate cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. 

Joseph S. Nye: Is China’s soft power strategy working?

Public diplomacy scholar Joseph Nye discusses China's soft power assets and impact abroad. 

Conan Stars In North Korea’s First Late Night Talk Show

Conan O'Brien took his comedy show to South Korea, visiting the World Tae Kwon Do headquarters, a Buddhist Temple and the DMZ. 

Ivory Coast’s All-Female Band Breaks Social Barriers

Nine female musicians in the Ivory Coast are challenging perceptions about women in the music business. 
