CPD Event

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Public Diplomacy Professor Nick Cull hosted a discussion with Ambassador Henry E. Catto at the Center on Public Diplomacy.

Autonomous Mass Media and Democracy: Blogosphere as Public Sphere or as Narcissphere? with Benjamin Barber

Benjamin R. Barber spoke about his new project which uses an empirical description to establish the relationship of autonomous mass media to the state, civil society and the market. The project focuses on current battles fought over the new communication spaces and investigates those interactions, thereby contributing to a more nuanced understanding of public diplomacy.

A rich and complex history exists between the three North American neighbors of Canada, Mexico and the U.S., providing for unique public diplomacy challenges. How are bumps in these long-standing relationships handled? How do trade relations become public diplomacy challenges? What are the opportunities and lessons we can learn from them?

John Rendon joined the USC Center on Public Diplomacy for a roundtable discussion on public diplomacy, politics, and the global war on terrorism.

Watch the Video

Professor Ernest Wilson discussed new developments and changes in foreign policy due to industrialization and technology.

Sponsored by:
CIA’s Center for the Study of Intelligence
in cooperation with
The University of Southern California’s
School of International Relations
Center for International Studies
Homeland Security Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events
Center on Public Diplomacy

Sponsored by:
CIA’s Center for the Study of Intelligence
in cooperation with
The University of Southern California’s
School of International Relations
Center for International Studies
Homeland Security Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events
Center on Public Diplomacy

Watch the Video

Event Summary
To access Giles Scott Smith's presentation, click HERE.[PDF]

Cultural Diplomacy Talk with Giles Scott-Smith:
"Mapping the Undefinable: Exchange Programmes as a Topic for Political Analysis"
