CPD Event

Dean Geoffrey Cowan hosted an open forum with Andy Kohut, to discuss the relationship of public opinion and public diplomacy in his upcoming visit to USC.

Watch the video

Event Summary
To read an article on the event, click HERE. [PDF]

Listen to the presentation (.mp3)
Read "Supporting the Acrobat: Public Diplomacy & Trust" (.pdf).

Nick Cull and the USC Center on Public Diplomacy hosted Martin Rose on January 23, 2005. Rosepresented his paper, "Supporting the Acrobat: Public Diplomacy and Trust."

USC Center on Public Diplomacy's Nicholas Cull participated on a panel discussing Paradise Now, the Palestinian movie that won the 2006 Foreign Language Film Golden Globe.

Watch the video.

Marc Lynch discussed public diplomacy and the transformation of Arab media in a lecture titled "Voices of the New Arab Public," also the title of his new book.

Ambassador Richard A. Boucher, the former spokesman for U.S. Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice discussed his career at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy in conjunction with the Pacific Council on International Policy.

Click here to listen to Mr. Boucher's lecture (1h 33m, 21MB .mp3)
