CPD Event

Annenberg associate professor Craig Carroll hosted a roundtable discussion with Krishnamurthy Sriramesh and Cari Eggspuehler on the image of U.S. companies abroad, and PR in Asia.

Sriramesh is the author of the books "Global PR Handbook" and "PR in Asia." Cari Eggspuehler is the Executive Director of Business for Diplomatic Action. This is a USC Center for Public Diplomacy/Globus Event.

Books were available for purchase.

Annenberg Professor Craig Carroll is hosted an event for students, faculty and staff with Krishamurthy Sriramesh. Sriramesh will discussed his books "Global PR Handbook" and "PR in Asia."

March 29, 2005

Center on Public Diplomacy Senior Research Fellow and USC Annenberg adjunct professor Nancy Snow gave a lecture on public diplomacy at Clemson University in South Carolina. Snow spoke on "Brand America: Is American Cutlure Across the Globe Helping or Hurting its Image?"

The discussion is part of a Clemson University special seminar on "Anti-Americanism at Home and Abroad."

Click here to view the video clip and photos of this event. QuickTime is required to watch the video.

This event was part of the Washington Symposium at the Brookings Institution. The Washington Symposium is a forum for upper-level international education professionals to learn about and discuss global political trends and policies affecting international education today. The program in 2005 will take an in-depth look at public diplomacy and the relationship with international education.

John Brown spoke on "Public Diplomacy: History and Trends, Here and Abroad."

Adam Powell presented "Moving the Public Diplomacy Agenda Ahead: What Are the Next Steps?"

The Annenberg School was proud to host a reception and luncheon for the Consular Press Officers. Keynote address was be delivered by Annenberg faculty and NPR General Manager Cinny Kennard.

Communication professor Stephen O'Leary, the Center for Religion and Civic Culture and the USC Center on Public Diplomacy presented a public lecture by Anne Marie Oliver and Paul Steinberg, authors of The Road to Martyrs' Square (Oxford, 2005).

The School of International Relations hosted an address by Steve Smith, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Exeter, professor of International Studies.

Dr. Smith has written or edited 13 books, written nearly 100 academic papers and has given over 150 academic presentations in 22 countries. His most widely read work is Explaining and Understanding International Relations. He is the editor of the prestigious Cambridge University Press / British International Studies Association series.
