A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Make or Break Moment Beckons for Education at G20 Summit

Campaigners who believe funding for schooling in the world’s poorest countries has hit crisis levels say next month’s G20 meeting will be a “make or break” moment for education. The share of aid funding spent on education has fallen for the past six years, from 10% in 2009 to 6.9% in 2015, according to new figures from the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco). Education now receives as little in aid funding as transport.

Tags: G20 Summit, education diplomacy, education, unesco, non-state pd, international funding, foreign aid, sustainable development goals

Soft Power: China Gets Its Own Nalanda University, Shames India

China has scored a major victory in soft diplomacy by quietly launching its own Nalanda University, while the original Nalanda campus in Bihar, planned almost a decade ago, is still stuck with 455-acre dead space. China’s education ministry had managed to keep the plan a secret till a few weeks ago when it formally announced the enrolment for the Nanhai Buddhist College in Hainan province in May. 

Tags: smart & soft power, india, china, education diplomacy, nobel laureate, buddhism, soft diplomacy, nalanda university

ImagineNATIVE Exchange Brings Together Indigenous Sound Artists

Two Canadian First Nation sound artists are currently in La Guajira, Colombia, working with Indigenous artists from Chile and Colombia to create a unique sound art installation to premiere at the imagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival in Toronto this fall. The cross-cultural project, called the Territ-Aur(i)al Imprints Exchange, invited sound artists Janet Rogers, who is Mohawk, and Casey Koyczan, who is Tlicho Dene.

Tags: cultural exchange, cross-cultural exchange, cultural collaboration, indigenous communities, first nations, canada, chile, colombia, latin america, imagineNATIVE

Is Realpolitik the Best Way Forward to Advance Gambia's Interests?

A strategic approach which protects the Gambia interests must be the ultimate goal of the government. Although reciprocity and sovereign equality is the basis on which states interrelate to each other, hegemonic powers tend to use their superior economic capabilities as bargaining leverages to attain better deals at the expense of developing economies. This starkly reminds us that international politics is a deadly complex business which requires a clear-cut thinking strategy to mitigate the brute forces of material power.

Tags: government pd, history & theory, Nation Image, global image, gambia, realpolitik, foreign relations, international relations, smart & soft power

The Diplomacy Of Narcissism

The problem with “America First” is that it describes an attitude, not a purpose. It substitutes selfishness for realism. It implies that nations can go it alone, that we stand for nothing beyond our immediate self-interest, and that we should give little thought to how the rest of humanity thinks or lives. It suggests that if we are strong enough, we can prosper no matter how much chaos, disorder or injustice surrounds us. America First leads to the diplomacy of narcissism. And narcissism is as unhealthy for nations as it is for people.

Tags: history and theory, government pd, Donald Trump, national interest, international diplomacy, narcissism, america first

Analysts: Leaks Could Threaten Emirati Diplomacy

The latest email leaks from the Hotmail account of the United Arab Emirates' ambassador to Washington, Yousef al-Otaiba, could threaten Emirati diplomacy and strain regional relations, analysts say. Leaked emails point to strong relationship between the UAE and think tanks closely allied to Israel. Also contained in Saturday's leaks were emails detailing communications between the UAE and the US that aimed to prevent a meeting by the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas, in the Qatari capital, Doha.

Tags: Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, uae, israel, US, think tanks, strained ties, cyber attacks, cyberwarfare, hacking

Modi's Charm Diplomacy

Besides putting his mark in the heart of Europe, Modi is understood to have also brought back momentum to India-Russia relationship amid growing concerns over Moscow's newfound closeness to China and Pakistan. In his typical style, he was able to connect with Germany's Merkel, Russia's Putin and France's Macron as well. Ahead of the restrictive meetings, he told Merkel that India and Germany are made for each other. 

Tags: government pd, PM Modi, charm diplomacy, soft power, india, europe, russia

Patis Tesoro Endures

Why is culture important in this day and age? When the world, as some say, is becoming more flat, when social media platforms make instant communication possible, when cities all over the globe resemble each other more and more, of what significance is it that the Philippines should project itself as having a distinct identity and culture—in other words, possess a brand that is as easily identifiable as the Japanese, the Brazilian or the Egyptian?This is the question that cultural diplomacy poses, and which is the challenge given to Filipino diplomats in the 21st century.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, nation branding, philippines, filipino diplomats, nation identity, Nation Image, global image


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