A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Diplomats Plant Seagrass to Celebrate World Environment Day

To celebrate the June 5 World Environment Day, diplomats from more than a dozen foreign embassies and international organizations Monday joined the U.S. State Department to plant underwater seagrass in the Potomac River, a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. Diplomats told VOA their participation in “green diplomacy” is to help raise awareness of the challenges of clean water here and at home. By working with the CBF’s “Grasses for the Masses” program, diplomats are demonstrating the commitment to environmental protection. 

Tags: international advocacy, diplomats, green diplomacy, U.S. State Department, u.s. department of state, environmental protection, world environment day

Some U.S. Diplomats Stage Quiet Revolt Amid Tensions with Trump

As President Trump strains alliances and relationships around the world, some of the nation’s top career diplomats are breaking publicly with him, in what amounts to a quiet revolt by a cadre of public servants known for their professional discretion. On Monday, the chargé d’affaires at the American Embassy in Beijing, David H. Rank, announced his resignation after telling his staff he could not defend the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord.

Tags: international advocacy, Paris Agreement, state department, u.s. department of state, climate change, Donald Trump, u.s., united states

State Department Press Briefings Go Dark

Core practices of open government are eroding in the Trump Administration, with new limitations on the ability of the press to effectively question officials on U.S. foreign policy. The problem is starkly illustrated by comparing the press briefing schedules of the State Department for May 2016 and May 2017. In May 2016, the State Department held a press briefing nearly every weekday of the month, with only two exceptions. One of them was Memorial Day. In May 2017, by contrast, there was not a single State Department press briefing. The last briefing was on April 27.

Tags: press briefings, press conference, journalism, press, state department, u.s. department of state, u.s., united states

Senior Diplomat in Beijing Embassy Resigns over Trump’s Climate Change Decision

The No. 2 diplomat at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing resigned Monday, telling staff his conscience would not permit him to formally notify the Chinese that the United States is withdrawing from the Paris climate accord. David H. Rank, a career Foreign Service officer of 27 years, had been acting ambassador until former Iowa governor Terry Branstad (R) was confirmed as the new ambassador last month. Rank held a town meeting with embassy employees to explain he had offered his resignation and it had been accepted.

Tags: international advocacy, Paris Agreement, paris climate summit, climate change, u.s. department of state, state department, Donald Trump, u.s., united states

Chinese Proficiency Competition Another Impetus To Sino-Africa Relations

Ethiopian Tesfahun Tsehaye was one of the 15 university students who have participated in the recently held 16th edition of Chinese Proficiency Competition, dubbed Chinese Bridge, in Addis Ababa, capital of the Ethiopia. Winning the contest held at country-level with second highest score, the electrical engineering student highlighted the strong China-Africa relations, particularly with the ever-growing Chinese investment on the African continent.

Tags: international exchange, ethiopia, china-africa relations, student program, international investment

How The Chinese Communist Party Exerts Its Influence in Australia

Australia is a beautiful multicultural democracy that respects cultural diversity and promotes equality among all ethic and cultural groups. However, even my freedom in Australia is increasingly under threat from China's "soft power". It is wonderful that the Chinese communities in Australia are allowed to establish all sorts of associations, run Chinese-language media and keep their cultural practices and traditions. With the ambitious goal of establishing "discursive power" in the world, the CCP's Central Propaganda Department has carried out the Grand External Propaganda Program.

Tags: op-ed, china communist party, australia, external relations, public opinion, government pd, smart & soft power

Shanghai Set For International Skills Contest

About 1,100 participants from 38 countries and regions will participate in the 2017 China International Skills Competition and International Forum on Skills and Development that kicks off in Shanghai and Suzhou today. After joining the WorldSkills International (WSI) in October 2010, China has dedicated itself in the development of world skills. It has integrated deeply with WSI’s global family, and is now bidding to hold the 46th WorldSkills Competition (WSC) in 2021 in Shanghai. Its bidding slogan is “New Youth, New Skills, New Dream.”

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, public diplomacy, international youth, shanghai, international community, cultural development

Morocco Efficiently Uses Soft Power to Expand Footprint in Africa

Morocco is illustrative of a rising power that has cannily deployed its soft power toolbox, including investments, human development projects, media, culture and religion to boost stability in the Sahel and Africa. In an article on the World Politics Review on the contribution of four main players in the security arena in the region, Morocco was distinguished by the author, Anouar Boukhars, for succeeding to tap into the potential of soft power in its ties with African states.

Tags: smart & soft power, morocco, diplomatic tool, africa, sphere of influence, non-state pd


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