A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Culinary Diplomacy Takes Texan Chef To The Land Of Grilled Yak

As you may have heard, America's diplomats are struggling these days with a few distracting and unpleasant events in far-off parts of the world. But they're rising to the challenge: They're sending in the chefs. The U.S. State Department launched a Diplomatic Culinary Partnership two years ago in order to "elevate the role of culinary engagement in America's formal and public diplomacy efforts." 

Tags: culinary diplomacy, united states, diplomactic culinary partnership, public diplomacy, us department of state

Are China-Japan Relations Thawing?

For the first time in years, Japan and China held high-level talks on maritime issues aimed at easing tensions over disputes in the East China Sea, a move which analyst James Brown views as a significant positive step.Yi Xianliang, deputy director-general of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs met with his Japanese counterpart Makita Shimokawa, in the eastern Chinese coastal city of Qingdao on September 24-25, according to China's state-run news agency Xinhua. The meeting marked the first high-level bilateral talks on maritime affairs since May 2012.

Tags: china, japan, government pd

Vienna Design Week Starts with Hungary as Guest

Hungary will make every effort to support Hungarian designers and prepare them for competition in the job market” – said Monika Balatoni, State Secretary for Cultural Diplomacy of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade yesterday, at the opening of the Vienna Design Week, an international design festival. Lasting until 5 October, the event is the biggest design festival of Austria and this year’s guest is Hungary.

Tags: Architecture Biennale, venice, Cultural Diplomacy, design, hungary

Digital War Takes Shape on Websites Over ISIS

Along with its surprising military success, the Islamic State group has demonstrated a skill and sophistication with social media previously unseen in extremist groups.And just as the United States has begun an aggressive air campaign against the militants, Richard A. Stengel, the under secretary of state for public diplomacy, believes the United States has no choice but to counter their propaganda with a forceful online response.

Tags: digital diplomacy, isis, social media

DPRK -ROK Diplomatic Strategy to Make UN General Assembly Speech

BEIJING, Sept. 27 Xinhua comprehensive report , after a lapse of 15 years , DPRK Foreign Minister Lee Yong -soo attended the United Nations General Assembly , or the sound will be on North Korean human rights issues . Prior to this , the DPRK Foreign Ministry officials through the ” sports diplomacy” , cultural exchanges , ” political party diplomacy” , expect for North Korea to open a window onto the international stage . North Korea launched concentrated diplomatic offensive , how this session will sound, also caused apprehension of South Korea on the sidelines.

Tags: UNGA, government pd, china, north korea, public diplomacy

U.S. Outgunned by Extremists on New YouTube, Twitter Battlefield

Islamic State’s 52-second trailer“Flames of War” opens with a black-clad extremist blasting a U.S.-made tank into smoke and shrapnel, a Hollywood-style message to the U.S. and its allies about what they can expect for intervening in the Middle East again. The nation that has produced Microsoft, Apple and Google now finds itself playing catch-up on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter with an extremist group rooted in 7th Century Arabia.

Tags: united states, extremism, isis, terrorism, digital diplomacy, middle east, social media, youtube

A Fulbright Is Not a Political Football

Every now and then Congress shows wisdom as in the recent decision by the House and Senate to reject a request from the Obama administration to cut funding for the famous Fulbright program from $237 to $204 million. What's a Fulbright and why should you care?

Tags: international exchange, fulbright, academic exchange, public diplomacy, united states, budget cuts, government pd

Iran’s Dinner Diplomacy

Iran’s President, Hassan Rouhani, did not shake hands with Barack Obama at the United Nations this week, a year after their celebrated cell-phone chat. The two men didn’t even pass each other in the hallway. But Rouhani did give a quiet dinner at his hotel on Tuesday for twenty former American officials—including a secretary of state, three national-security advisers, and a chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—from all six Administrations since the 1979 revolution.

Tags: iran, dinner diplomacy, nuclear talks, public diplomacy, obama, rouhani


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