A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Brazil Enacts Agreement with Kuwait

The acting president of Brazil, minister Ricardo Lewandowski, has enacted a cultural cooperation agreement with Kuwait in Brasília. The action takes place one day after Lewandowski, the president of Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court (STF) met with the Kuwaiti ambassador in Brazil, Ayadah Alsaidi. According to the STF, the agreement enacted Wednesday was signed in 2010 with Kuwait and lays the legal groundwork for cooperation and cultural exchange in fields like literature, cinema, performing arts, visual arts, music, libraries and museums.

Tags: brazil, kuwait, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange, international exchange, arts

Days of Azerbaijani Culture to be Held in Austria

Azerbaijan's Deputy Culture and Tourism Minister Adalat Valiyev and Austrian Senior Advisor for Strategies and Policies at the Interface of Arts, Culture and Education, member of the panel for the European Capitals of Culture Norbert Riedl held talks on September 23.

Tags: azerbaijan, Cultural Diplomacy, austria, tourism

Iran, Lebanon Keen to Broaden Cultural Relations

Iran's Ambassador to Lebanon Mohammad Ali Fathali and Lebanese Culture Minister Raymond Ariji voiced enthusiasm for utilizing the two sides' entire capacities to bolster Tehran-Beirut cooperation, particularly in cultural spheres.

Tags: iran, lebanon, cultural relations, Cultural Diplomacy, public diplomacy, government pd

Obama Mandates Climate Resilience in All U.S. Development Projects

All international development assistance and investments from the United States will now be required to take into account the potential impacts of climate change, according to a new rule signed Tuesday by President Barack Obama.

Tags: barack obama, climate, international development, climate change

Indonesia Tells the United States How to Defeat Jihadists with Soft Power

Indonesia, home to the world’s largest population of Muslims, had some words of advice for the United States for defeating the extremist group Islamic State and other like-minded jihadists.

Tags: united states, indonesia, isis, soft power, government pd, islam

Study: Education, Language Skills Play Big Role in Women and Media in Africa

A new study by the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) and Gallup on women and media in Africa says education and language skills play a big role in influencing which platform women access most frequently.  And while daily TV usage for men and women is similar in most places, the same cannot be said for radio, mobile phones and the Internet.

Tags: education, language, media, women, africa, international broadcasting

Obama Pledges Aid to Nations for Global Warming

Barack Obama will announce at a UN summit Tuesday that he will sign an executive order to ensure that US funds going abroad to poorer nations go to fight global warming. The executive order also will have the US handing out science and technology tools to poorer nations in order to fight it.

Tags: obama, global aid and development, climate change, united nations summit

Airstrikes in Syria Against Islamic State Bring Together Persian Gulf Nations at Odds

With the Islamic State waving its black flag at the gates of Baghdad, Persian Gulf nations have decided to set aside their differences. “Radical Islam is a profound threat to us and our values,” said Yousef al-Otaiba, the UAE’s ambassador to the United States. “We need to confront it as a team.”

Tags: air strikes, syria, isis, persian gulf nations


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