A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Turkey’s Armenian Initiative: Rhetoric or Confidence Building?

During the last decade Turkey, as a young republic and budding democracy, has demonstrated its ability to contain political crises and domestic discontent. The country still has a long way to go, but there are at least signs of shifts in the government’s attitude and a political will to move forward, manifesting in gradual but permanent changes.

Tags: turkey, democracy, turkish-armenian relations, armenia, public diplomacy, government pd

Is Literature 'the Most Important Weapon of Propaganda'?

Soviet leader Joseph Stalin once described writers as “the engineers of the human soul.”  “The production of souls is more important than the production of tanks,” he claimed. Stalin clearly believed that literature was a powerful political tool—and he was willing to execute writers whose works were deemed traitorous to the Soviet Union.

Tags: propaganda, media, united states, soviet union, joseph stalin, literature diplomacy

After Tight Reelection, Colombia's President Santos is Told to Listen

Santos’ push for peace was enough to tip the balance in his favor, but his opponent said in his concession speech that the voice of the 7 million Colombians who voted against him 'will have to be heard.'

Tags: colombia, conflict, public opinion, democracy

Brazil Offers Angola $2 Billion Credit for Energy, Construction

Brazil has offered Angola a new credit line worth $2 billion for use in the sub-Saharan African country's energy and construction sectors, Angolan Finance Minister Armando Manuel said on Monday.

Tags: brazil, angola, africa, south america, foreign investment, aid diplomacy

How Corrupt Is the U.S.? Just Watch ‘House of Cards,’ China Party Arm Says

The inspection arm of China’s Communist Party this week took a break from its historic investigation into the country’s corruption problems to highlight abuse of power from a fresh angle: the fictionalized depiction of crooked Washington shown in the television program “House of Cards.”

Tags: media, china, united states, anti-corruption, digital diplomacy, foreign media, china communist party

U.S. Professors Call on Colleges to Re-evaluate Confucius Institutes

The American Association of University Professors is calling on universities to uphold principles of academic freedom by either terminating or renegotiating the agreements that have brought nearly 100 Chinese government-backed cultural and language programs called Confucius Institutes to campuses across the United States and Canada.

Tags: united states, canada, china, confucius institutes, Cultural Diplomacy, academic diplomacy

Australians retain warm feelings to Britain but count Americans, Kiwis as best friends: poll

Australians retain warmer feelings to other English-speaking nations than to their neighbors in Asia, according to a new poll. But Britain rated only third, behind the United States and New Zealand, in the Lowy Institute poll, the results of which were released on Tuesday. The poll by the Sydney-based institute asked respondents to nominate Australia's 'best friend' from a list of six countries.

Tags: public opinion, australia, usa, britain, new zealand, asia, cultural ties

Microsoft Taiwan, AIC Team Up on Digital Learning

The American Innovation Center (AIC) teamed up with software giant Microsoft Corp.'s Taiwan branch Tuesday to jointly promote digital learning among Taiwanese young people. The AIC Taiwan is the first of its kind in Asia. It was established by the U.S. Department of State in January this year, offering over 70 courses designed to encourage young people to think innovatively.

Tags: taiwan, united states, digital learning, public diplomacy, microsoft, american innovation center, american institute in taiwan, us department of state


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