The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

Stormont, Northern Ireland

CPD Blogger Alison Holmes examines the U.S.' interest in Northern Irish politics.

An Afghan man votes in Khost Province, Afghanistan.

Lieutenant Commander Joshua Frey on fighting insurgents with democratic elections.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

With scarce PD resources, can the U.S. afford to invest in Central Europe? It can't afford not to, argue Caitlin Bergin and Mieczyslaw Boduszynski.

Vladimir Putin at the 2011 Seliger National Youth Forum near Lake Seliger, Russia

The conclusion of Yelena Osipova's two-part analysis of Russian PD.

Nicholas Cull and CPD mourn the loss on October 31 of one of the country's finest public diplomats.

An RT billboard in London

Russia is finding its voice in the world of public diplomacy.

Former VOA senior advisor extends William Burns' parting thoughts for diplomats to USIB

An ISIL flag

Philip Seib makes the case for a new counterterrorism approach.



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