The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

Person leaping with effort by jcomp via

Season 2 of a podcast co-hosted by Nicholas J. Cull and Simon Anholt.

Old books with one selected by Racool_studio via

Early literary portrayals of cities' global cultural relations may serve as a lens for modern city diplomacy scholarship.

Crown on British flag. Flag by kjpargeter via Crown via

Season 2 of a podcast co-hosted by Nicholas J. Cull and Simon Anholt.

Personal identity magnifying glass image by d3images via

Season 2 of a podcast co-hosted by Nicholas J. Cull and Simon Anholt.

Telescope image by LN_Photoart via

Season 2 of a podcast co-hosted by Nicholas J. Cull and Simon Anholt.

Mount St. Helens plume two years after the major eruption by Lyn Topinka, CVO Photo Archive Mount St. Helens, Washington Before, During, and After 18 May 1980, United States Geological Survey (Public Domain).

Franklin T. Burroughs compares U.S. foreign policy under the Trump and Biden administrations.

Flag of Italy by natanaelginting via

Season 2 of a podcast co-hosted by Nicholas J. Cull and Simon Anholt.



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