A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The Refugee Olympic Team at Rio 2016: Rallying Around Which Flag?

As the euphoria surrounding the inclusion of these ten athletes from Ethiopia, South Sudan, Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo fizzles out, several questions linger. What does the creation of Team ROA mean, and whom does this team actually represent? What are the legacies of this move? We argue that the creation of Team ROA should be celebrated as a call for more awareness of the world’s refugees. 

Tags: sports diplomacy, refugee olympic team, rio olympics, refugees, advocacy & awareness, refugee nation, human rights, international olympic committee

Gloria Steinem Turns Her Attention to Educating Girls in Rural Africa

On International Women’s Day, the feminist icon Gloria Steinem used social media to encourage participants in the A Day Without a Woman strike, even as her mind was focused on another problem. Steinem has been increasingly turning her attention to the challenges facing women and girls around the world, specifically through her work with Camfed, an organization that helps girls and young women in rural Ghana, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe receive an education.

Tags: global aid & development, non state pd, africa, ghana, malawi, tanzania, zambia, advocacy, education, women empowerment

San Diego Students Can Become Digital Pen Pals With Iraqi Youth

San Diego youth will have an opportunity this summer to virtually connect with foreign students who, at one time, were temporarily barred from entering the U.S. Through World Learning's Digital Young Leaders Exchange Program, students in this country will use online tools, including video chats and webinars, to communicate with their counterparts in Iraq. The Middle Eastern country appeared on President Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban but was removed in a later version.

Tags: digital diplomacy & new tech, international exchange, united states, san diego, iraq, cross cultural dialogue, middle east

Far East Affairs: Mongolia and Japan

The modern day relationship does not involve attempted invasions, divine typhoons, or malfunctioning boats, but rather political and diplomatic dialogue, economic relations, and people-to-people affairs. [...] As Mongolia’s foreign policy apparatus expands both regionally and globally, Japan serves as a source of democratic principles and values as well as a political, economic, and social model for Mongolia’s own development.

Tags: mongolia, japan, diplomatic relations, foreign aid, economic ties, shinzo abe, people to people exchange

North Korea's Diplomacy: Does the Rogue State have Any Friends Left?

North Korea's current foreign policy is based around only two things -- surviving and respect. "Ultimately they want to be recognized as a nuclear power and then reset their relations with some of their antagonists, South Korea and then the US, as a nuclear power," he said.


Tags: north korea, north korea diplomacy, kim jong un, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, mongolia, foreign policy, soviet union, united states, trade diplomacy

President Tsai Takes Over GACC, Vows to Boost Taiwan's Soft Power

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) took over as head of the Taipei-based General Association of Chinese Culture (GACC) on Thursday, outlining three missions for the organization including boosting Taiwan's cultural power and promoting cultural exchanges and cooperation with China.

Tags: taiwan, soft power, tsai ing-wen, cultural power, cultural exchange, international exchange, government pd, Cultural Diplomacy

Why Canada Should Boost its Economic Ties to Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom has much to offer Canadian companies, with major social infrastructure projects underway, a vibrant business community, and an increasing openness to foreign direct investment. [...] Based on experience, commercial diplomacy is the key to restore a more balanced relationship with Riyadh, and this, in turn, will better benefit Canadian businesses.

Tags: economic ties, canada, saudi arabia, middle east, bilateral trade, free trade agreement, Opinion, commercial diplomacy

Johnson & Johnson Launches New East Africa Regional Operations in Kenya

Johnson & Johnson’s office in Kenya will help coordinate the company’s global public health capabilities and resources to deliver sustainable, measurable impact against significant public health needs in the region. The team in Kenya will translate the company’s strategy into locally-executable programs that drive health impact in collaboration with local health delivery partners. 

Tags: kenya, east africa, johnson & johnson, health issues, non-governmental organization, global aid & development, global health, business diplomacy


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