A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Attracting American Tourists to Cuba

There’s still plenty of charm in the streets of La Habana Vieja and on all those unblemished beaches that necklace the Caribbean island. But tapping it will depend on the ability of Havana’s floundering regime not just to adapt to the disruptive global economy, but also to write a new narrative that promotes the island’s future as much as its past. This is not the first time Cuba has tried soft power to rescue the revolution. 

Tags: smart & soft power, nation branding, united states, cuba, caribbean, international image, tourism

'Pashtun Diplomacy' in Afghan Foreign Policy

Since the formation of the Afghan National Unity Government in 2014, Kabul has used “Pashtun Diplomacy” as an instrument to bring the bilateral Afghanistan-Pakistan relationship back on track and make grounds for re-initiating normal official talks. The Afghan government also seeks the support of Pakistani Pashtun nationalist and religious parties as facilitators and confidence-builders in the Afghan peace process.

Tags: government pd, pashtun diplomacy, pakistan, afghanistan, bilateral relations, peace process, human rights

Humanitarian Diplomacy Strongest Weapon Against Global Challenges

Today, the world faces a list of global challenges, including poverty, war, migration, terrorism, oppression and disrespect for human rights. Every country is vulnerable to these risks. In this era, the greatest response to these challenges is humanitarian diplomacy, which could increase awareness, mobilize people, influence decision-makers and get government support. [...] Humanitarian diplomacy facilitates stronger partnerships in response to the needs of vulnerable people affected by global challenges.

Tags: humanitarian diplomacy, global aid & development, human rights, advocacy, strategic partnerships, global challenges, democracy, art

Bright Year Ahead for Indo-American Association

The Indo-American Association has scored a coup by booking the Martha Graham Dance Company for an October performance. The association also will stretch boundaries this year with a show of Indo-jazz fusion featuring some of the biggest names in that business [...] More broadly, the association's 2017 season embraces peace, love and tolerance across multiple art forms that strongly celebrate Indian culture.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange, united states, india, music, dance, indian culture, bollywood

Winning ‘Hearts and Minds’ in Afghanistan Carries Risks for Civilians

The international community has poured billions of dollars into aid, services and protection for civilians in Afghanistan hoping that winning their support would help the fight against insurgents. But new research shows that strategy has an unintended consequence: villages where residents support the international forces are more likely to face attacks from the Taliban-led insurgency.

Tags: international development, foreign aid, humanitarian assistance, hearts and minds, taliban, afghanistan

Trump’s Siege on International Development

Up until the news dropped in February that the Trump administration plans to boost military spending by $54 billion and make cuts of up to 40 percent to foreign aid, the international development community was in overdrive to put its work in the best light. Development experts had been making the case for foreign assistance in terms that they hoped would resonate with the Trump administration—which on the diplomatic and development side consists of only one appointee, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Tags: global aid & development, government pd, united states, Donald Trump, funding, international image, foreign assistance

Latin American Girls Hack Man’s World of Tech

With plans to eventually set up a center to teach children to code, she said many of her female friends shied away from IT development because it was male-dominated. Only four out of 40 students on her degree course are women, she pointed out. Across Latin America, the participation of girls and women in technology and science has lagged far behind men, experts say.

Tags: digital diplomacy & new tech, non state pd, latin america, mexico, women empowerment, stem education, coding clubs

Expanding Malaysia-Saudi Ties

Saudi King Salman’s four-day state visit to Malaysia in late February culminated with an investment deal between Malaysia’s Petronas and Saudi Aramco, as well as key bilateral agreements on the cooperation and exchange of expertise in the fields of trade and economy; labour and human resources; science and higher education; and news exchange. The latter agreements underscore a shift from past engagements.

Tags: government pd, international exchange, saudi arabia, malaysia, asia, economic development, trade, education, bilateral relations


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