A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

National Rebranding Not About Slogans

Leading Brand specialist and entrepreneur, Charles O’Tudor, in this interview, reveals how Nigeria can attain sustainable economic viability through proper branding. O’Tudor, who is the Principal Consultant at Adstrat Branding Management Consortium-a firm responsible for many successful branding campaigns in the public and private sectors, also explained how Nigeria can rebound from recession through branding. 

Tags: nation branding, international image, nigeria, economic development, strategic communication, branding campaign

British High Commission Launches 70th Anniversary Campaign

The British High Commission launched a campaign to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of UK-Pakistan relations [...] With the message of ‘Shared History, Shared Future’ and the hashtag of #UKPak70, the campaign will consist of a year-long series of activities and events that will celebrate the strength of the UK-Pakistan relationship over the last 70 years. 

Tags: united kingdom, pakistan, bilateral relations, #UKPak70, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, trade

Chinese Media Flourishing in Africa

China’s involvement and investment in Africa have intensified in the past few years eliciting a lot of focus and research on China-Africa relations.  While this can be written off by some as simply investment [...] China’s growing involvement in the media industry in Africa and South Africa has been seen by Trans-Atlantic nations to be a challenge to their influence in Africa.

Tags: international broadcasting, smart & soft power, china, africa, south africa, economic development, global influence, chinese media

Irish Success Depends on the Diaspora

Ireland must engage in a deeper way with its diaspora in order to prosper in a world of increasing uncertainty, Tim O’Connor, a former senior Irish diplomat, told a gathering of Irish-Americans in Dublin on Tuesday evening. Ahead of Donald Trump’s presidency in the US and the UK’s forthcoming departure from the EU, he said that now was not a moment to be thinking small.

Tags: ireland, united states, brexit, Donald Trump, irish diaspora, non state pd, government pd, bilateral relations

Festival of India to be Held in Ghana

The Indian High Commission will hold a “Festival of India-Matri” from January 25 to March 15, 2017  to commemorate 60 years of a strong bond of friendship between India and Ghana. [...] He said the festival to  be held  in Accra, Takoradi, Cape Coast, Kumasi and Koforidua would showcase multifaceted aspects of Indian culture in its various colours and forms.

Tags: india, ghana, africa, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange, bilateral relations, indian culture, democracy

CIA Posts More than 12 Million Pages of CREST Records Online

The largest collection of declassified CIA records is now accessible online. The documents were previously only available to the public at the National Archives in Maryland. Approximately 930,000 documents, totaling more than 12 million pages, are now available in the CIA’s Electronic Reading Room on CIA's website. [...] “Access to this historically significant collection is no longer limited by geography. The American public can access these documents from the comfort of their homes,” notes Joseph Lambert, the CIA Director of Information Management.

Tags: government pd, historical pd, Central Intelligence Agency, cia, CREST records, u.s.

Korean Language Becomes College Entrance Exam Subject in France

Korean has been designated an official foreign language subject for college entrance exam in France, according to the French Embassy in Korea. An embassy official said on Sunday that France's Ministry of Education included Korean among foreign languages for the Baccalaureat ― an academic qualification test that French high school students must pass to graduate and enter university ― late last year.

Tags: south korea, france, French Embassy, korean language, foreign language, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange

Reflecting on Eight Years of U.S. Refugee Assistance

In addition to being the world’s leading donor of humanitarian aid, we have worked to ensure the rights of conflict victims – including women and girls, the elderly, the disabled, minorities, and LGBTI persons – are respected. We have also backed efforts to use both humanitarian and development resources to help societies that host large numbers of refugees so their citizens do not suffer from overburdened hospitals and overcrowded classroom

Tags: united states, global aid & development, refugees, international migration, human rights, LGBT rights


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