A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Taiwan Placed 34th in Nation Brand Rankings

Taiwan fell by one place from a year ago to 34th in the 2016 Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands IndexSM report, behind Japan, Singapore, South Korea and China, the Ministry of Economic Affairs said Tuesday. Conducted annually, the study measures global perceptions of 50 countries in terms of their exports, governance, culture, people, tourism and immigration/investment.

Tags: taiwan, Nation Image, nation branding, immigration, tourism, good governance, Cultural Diplomacy

Changes Ahead in Sino-US Ties Under Trump

When dealing with the Trump administration, China should pay attention to several factors. First, China should get to know Trump's political ambitions, and establish contacts with his core team. China should strengthen the role of non-governmental actors in public diplomacy, and improve Sino-US public diplomacy by using think tanks to effectively control conflicts. Last but not the least, China needs to enhance social media communication and promote international discourse.

Tags: china, united states, sino-us relations, Donald Trump, Opinion, op-ed, non-governmental organizations, economic cooperation, social media, digital diplomacy

Learn About Australia with Work & Holiday Visa

According to the Australian government’s Department of Immigration and Border Protection website: “The Work & Holiday (Temporary) visa (subclass 462) is for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year. It is a temporary visa that encourages cultural exchange and closer ties between Australia and eligible partner countries.”

Tags: australia, cultural work visas, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange, immigration, government pd, educational exchange

Unruly Chinese Tourists Counteract the Government's Soft Power Plans

For China, tourism is a tool. The country sees it as a facilitator of people-to-people communication and a way to spread international friendship. In other words: soft power. [...] However, in the discussions during the evening reception, most participants were first asking questions and offering stories about different forms of outrageous behavior seen among Chinese travelers. 

Tags: china, smart & soft power, tourism, international image, cultural exchange, people to people diplomacy, education, media

Enterprise Estonia Launches the Country’s New Gateway Page

Enterprise Estonia, the state-run agency responsible for promoting Estonia abroad and attracting investment, launched two brand new web platforms, estonia.ee and brand.estonia.ee, at the cost of €200,000. The new website estonia.ee replaces the estonia.eu site that had become obsolete and outdated, both in design and content. The long-serving “Welcome to Estonia” logo will be dumped as well.

Tags: nation branding, estonia, digital diplomacy & new tech, international image, economic development, brand estonia

Keeping Alive a Haven for Yiddish Culture in Modern Romania

Just a few minutes on foot from the bustle of downtown Bucharest, the State Jewish Theater, down a small side street in the Romanian capital, cuts a forlorn figure. Yet the theater is one of the few vestiges of what was once a large Jewish community in Romania, and one of the few professional Yiddish-language theaters left in Europe.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, history & theory, romania, europe, yiddish culture, theatre, bucharest, jewish community

Ambassadors Opine on the Art of Public Diplomacy

As the realm of diplomacy increasingly engages the public at large, culture is being writ large in the vocabulary and method of foreign affairs experts around the globe. One of the major tasks of diplomats is mastering the art of public diplomacy, employing the allures of visual art, music, literature and performing arts, in a world increasingly interconnected culturally. 

Tags: government pd, Cultural Diplomacy, south korea, diplomatic relations, art, music, cultural exchange

Princess Diana Understood What ‘Global Britain’ Meant

So, ‘global Britain’ eh? This, we are told, will be the leitmotif for Theresa May’s Brexit speech tomorrow and, indeed, for her approach to international affairs more generally. And who could disagree with any of that? The argument will, of course, be couched in economic terms. The spirit of Britannia will be unleashed to sail the world’s oceans. Britain is back, you know. 

Tags: united kingdom, brexit, global aid & development, smart & soft power, global britain, princess diana, Theresa May, advocacy, international image


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