A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
My Three Maddening, Futile Years Inside the Broken Senate Confirmation Process
[A] State Department appointee approached me regarding my potential interest in a Democratic vacancy on the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, a small bipartisan board that, since 1948, has been charged with advising the administration and Congress on the effectiveness of U.S. public-diplomacy activities. As with other government commissions, its positions are uncompensated and part-time; they offer opportunities for qualified citizens to apply their talents for public benefit. I expected things to unfold relatively smoothly.
Solidarity Initiative Will Provide Volunteering Opportunities Across Europe
The recently launched European Solidarity Corps could offer valuable life and work experience for young people interested in a career in global development. The initiative, launched by the European Commission, will bring together participants from different backgrounds to contribute to projects across the EU member states. Partnering with NGOs, local organizations and civil actors.
Trains are the New Pandas
This new rail route, which will traverse Kazakhstan, a part of Russia, Belarus, and the EU before entering the UK via the Channel Tunnel, is part of a rapidly growing network that now consists of 39 rail lines, which directly connect 16 cities in China with 15 cities in Europe. What is now a paradigm-shifting international trade network, arose from humble beginnings in Chongqing in 2012.
Documentary Hopes to Bring Turkish, Armenian Communities Closer
“The documentary, titled ‘Neighbors in Memory…A Personal Journey,’ will be a first of its kind project, exploring the Armenian-Turkish relationship from the bottom up, starting from the reeducation of one Turkish woman and weaving in the thoughts and feelings of others who have been pondering the question: why does this hundred year old event, the Armenian Genocide, continue to be so controversial, so sensitive and so significant?”
How Michelle Obama Expanded the Definition of a First Lady
When Michelle Obama entered the White House, she had to contend with two onerous legacies. The first was a stale clutter of expectations and prohibitions about the proper role of The First Lady. The second was a cluster of stereotypes deeming black women unfit for any such role. [...] People were busily projecting negative stereotypes onto Michelle Obama from the moment her husband began campaigning.
Indo-Iranian Artists Come Together to Create Magic
It's a unique cultural exchange as Indian and Iranian artists gather together to revive age-old creative links between the two countries. And for some, on the Iranian side, it's an eye-opening experience. Iranian calligrapher Ali Kheairi, who is visiting India for the first time, is happy as he gets a chance to discuss and explore his craft with people from another country.
Diplomacy Strongest Element in Soft Power
Iran’s ambassador to UK said, diplomacy remained as the most influential factor in soft power. [...] “Presently, detailed daily discussions are underway in Britain on role of diplomats in the European country’s decisive negotiations indicating that politicians are faced with challenged while appointing the right type of person who simultaneously possesses relevant experience and knowledge,”
UAE, UK Outline Cultural Exchange Programme in 2017
“The Year of Creative Collaboration aims to increase the visibility of the UK in the UAE and vice versa in order to give greater focus, depth and contemporary relevance to the long-standing relationship between our two nations. The unique cultural programme will strengthen existing relationships and broker new ones between our people, institutions and businesses,” said the British Council.
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