A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
Laotian Food Firms Gain Korean Know-How
Korea's food experts are sharing their experience in branding with Laotian food companies. The "Product Development Workshop for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)," organized by the ASEAN-Korea Centre and Lao PDR's Ministry of Industry and Commerce, provides an opportunity for the companies to "enhance competitiveness and develop market strategies targeting domestic and overseas markets through lectures and consultations on branding, marketing, and packaging of food products."
Chile Getting Ready to Celebrate Chinese Spring Festival
From Sunday, Chile will begin to prepare for celebration of the Chinese Spring Festival, for the seventh year in the city of Vina del Mar and the first time in the capital, Santiago. The cultural program, organized by the Confucius Institute of Santo Tomas University, will last in Vina del Mar until Jan. 15.
When Experts Gathered to Sharpen Nigeria's Foreign Policy
Africa has been the centre of Nigerian foreign policy as a regional power and by attachment to several fundamental principles, including her unity and independence, capability to exercise influence in the region, peaceful settlement of disputes [...] There was however the need for a robust policy instrument to achieve these aims and which undoubtedly needed constant review to match the dynamics of the ever changing world and global politics.
China To Support Philippines As ASEAN Chair
For its 50th founding anniversary of the ASEAN and the China-ASEAN year of tourism cooperation, Philippines is tasked to execute as the current rotating chair of the ASEAN and China is reported to express its support to the country.
Exchanges Are Strengthening Communities Today More Than Ever
To make progress on these and other complex international issues, it takes more than government to government diplomacy. The impact of individuals -- and communities -- plays a monumental role in shaping the perceptions of our country, whether through trade, art, music, food, or sports. In this endeavor we are making real progress. We have been hard at work building more flexible, rapid response elements to support foreign policy priorities.
New Logo… but More of the Same: The Baffling Makeover of CCTV’s Global Push
The formal launch this month of China Global Television Network (CGTN), bringing the international channels of China Central Television (CCTV) and its digital presence under a new branding effort, should be understood as the latest push to develop an international broadcast infrastructure allowing China to advance its messages and flex its “discourse power.”
Foreign Students in Love with Indian Culture
The students shared their experience in India till now and expressed their love towards the food and festivals, especially Navaratra and Diwali, and how much they love India. "Indian food is quite spicy but we can't resist ourselves from eating dosa, poha and samosa. We just love It." they said.
Trump Tweets, China Retreats
Beijing’s diplomats have been remarkably quiet after the election of Donald Trump, even though the president-elect has signaled his administration will pursue policies fundamentally disadvantageous to China.
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