A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Many sides of Nairobi shown in exhibit

A dynamic portrait of Nairobi as a modern African city that challenges preconceptions about the continent and journalism is being created by an American photographer and a British journalist.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, africa, kenya, photography

Google to amend Rio maps over Brazil favela complaints

Favelas, sprawling shanty towns which are home to tens of thousands of people, are a defining feature of Rio. But the Globo newspaper said their labelling on the map and the absence of wealthier districts and tourist sites gave a bad impression of the city.

Tags: nation branding, public opinion, brazil, google

China’s Tsinghua University aims for global clout of a Harvard or Oxford

Some scholars say China's Tsinghua University, which is marking its 100th anniversary, will be in the global Top 10 universities within a generation. But the political constraints imposed by a one-party state pose a significant challenge.

Tags: china, non-state pd, education diplomacy

US and China Build Soft Power in Timor-Leste

Since Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor) gained independence in 2002, the small territory has witnessed an intense competition between the US and China. While Timor-Leste has not been considered as strategically important for either country, both see their presence in the territory as a barometer for their global competition.

Tags: china, united states, soft power, government pd, east timor

Wedding renews U.S., Britain ‘unbreakable’ bond

American interest in Britain’s upcoming royal wedding is a reflection of the historic bond between the two countries, a bond which Winston Churchill called a "special relationship.” The phrase has been renewed throughout the years, but like any relationship it has had its ups and downs.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, britain

Consulate of Israel in Los Angeles First Government Office to Embrace Tablets and E-Readers

The Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles, an official diplomatic office of the government of Israel, has launched a new public diplomacy initiative to utilize tablet and e-reader devices to streamline the distribution of books and official documents.

Tags: israel, new technology, los angeles, consulate

Public diplomacy shifts to social media

A global public diplomacy portal by the State Department launched during the Bush years has been shut down, as the State Department recalibrates its efforts towards social media.

Tags: united states, government pd, social media, us department of state

India seeks increased engagement with African youth

India is seeking the help of young parliamentarians from Africa to increase the outreach of a unique private-public partnership to increase collaboration between the youth in India and the world, especially from the continent.

Tags: government pd, india, africa, youth, education diplomacy, educational exchange


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