A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Facts Meet Freedom: On the Air in Afghanistan

At dinner in Prague with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s president, Jeff Gedmin, and half a dozen RFE/RL staffers, Gedmin said, to no one in particular, “Do you think at any time in the future history will look back and say, ‘I wish they hadn’t broadcast so much information’?”

Tags: media, international broadcasting, public opinion, afghanistan, radio free europe/radio liberty

Israel recruits citizen advocates in Europe

Israel has instructed its embassies in 10 European countries, including the UK, each to recruit 1,000 members of the public to act as advocates for its policies in a new public relations offensive.

Tags: soft power, israel, europe, citizen diplomacy

U.S. Should Avoid Benign Neglect of Central Europe

Here and there in downtown Budapest, the bullet holes remain. It was more than a half-century ago when Hungarian freedom fighters dared to take to the streets and do battle with the Soviet Union. Expecting help - apparently promised, but never delivered - from the United States, the Hungarians were quickly outmatched and paid a terrible price at the hands of the Soviet military.

Tags: united states, soft power, philip seib, hungary

Wikileaks’s unveiling of cables shows delicate diplomatic balance with Pakistan

The latest document dump from WikiLeaks reveals the diplomatic high wire the United States is often walking in its relationship with countries that are considered crucial allies in fighting terrorism, such as Pakistan.

Tags: united states, pakistan, wikileaks

Dancers from Calif. impresses India audience

A group of dancers from California left a lasting impression on an audience in India this weekend. The dancers from San Francisco performed gravity defying routines on the side of this landmark building and drew gasps and applause from the audience.

Tags: soft power, india

The Soft-Power Power

Susan Glasser, Foreign Policy's editor in chief, met Foreign Minister Celso Amorim in Brasilia for a wide-ranging conversation on Brazil's role as the rest rises. Below, the edited excerpts.

Tags: soft power, foreign policy, brazil

How’s That New World Order Working Out?

Looking for a sign of when the multipolar moment suddenly seemed real? You could do worse than mark the day when Brazil and Turkey -- two of the world's most avidly internationalist emerging powers -- joined together this May to announce they had stepped in to broker a nuclear-fuel swap deal with Iran that potentially -- though sadly not actually -- paved the way toward a peaceful solution to the standoff.

Tags: soft power, united nations, multilateral diplomacy

China learns to deploy its soft power

Australia is spending tens of billions of dollars to ramp up our naval power, chiefly to stand alongside our US ally in countering what strategists view as an expansionist China. But China is still working out the way it will work in the region, says Wang Yuzhu, a top international affairs expert in Beijing.

Tags: china, united states, soft power


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