A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

US tightens security after leaks

Do they threaten US national security or are they simply a US national embarrassment? One test is to see if the cables show a secret diplomacy that is at serious odds with the public.

Tags: united states, public opinion, wikileaks

A Role for Science Diplomacy? Soft Power and Global Challenges – Part II

Part I of this series examined the relationships – or lack thereof – between diplomacy, science and international policy, and noted the serious image problems which plague all three enterprises. These difficulties have hobbled the practice of science diplomacy...

Tags: soft power, public opinion, science diplomacy, non-state actors, daryl copeland

Global boom in Gandhi busts

But quietly, India has been embedding itself as a soft power through its prophet of non-violence. In the last decade, statues and busts of Mahatma Gandhi have been installed by scores of cities -- from Trujillo in Peru to Osnabrueck in Germany -- to honour what could arguably be India's greatest export: Gandhian philosophy.

Tags: soft power, india, public opinion, non-state actors, non-state pd, gandhi

Antalya, the southern city with a ‘personality’

Getting more and more aware of the importance of having effective international relations in many aspects of a city’s and its people’s life, the local authorities in the southern city of Antalya seem to have been paying attention to deploying the city at an international platform more than ever nowadays.

Tags: turkey, branding, city branding

EU Film Fest in Jaffna

For the first time in history, the EU Film Festival will be held at the Centre for Performing Arts Theatre Complex Hall in Jaffna from December 1 to 5 at 1 pm and 3 pm, bringing new hope for peace and harmony through cultural ties.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, europe, european union, film diplomacy, british council, sri lanka

Has BBC World Service become a sacrificial victim?

Mark Thompson last week used his first speech since the government's dramatic decision to freeze the licence fee for six years to welcome the World Service back into the BBC fold...The problem is that by the time it takes on responsibilty for the organisation, it may already have shrunk as a result of Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) cuts.

Tags: media, international broadcasting, public opinion, bbc, britain

Copenhagen’s rise can’t lift nation’s image

Copenhagen remains a strong brand, but despite spending 400 million kroner on branding the country overall, the Denmark still has a lackluster image abroad...Denmark’s position on the Anholt-GfK Ropers Nation Branding Index hasn’t changed at all over the past few years.

Tags: nation branding, public opinion, branding, denmark, copenhagen

US diplomats wanted propaganda war against Osama ahead of 9/11

The diplomatic cable urged US to consider a new raft of anti-Bin Laden propaganda through the Voice of America radio station, interviews with Bin Laden victims, "commissioned articles" in the local press and an anti-Bin Laden website.

Tags: united states, media, international broadcasting, pakistan, public opinion, wikileaks, voice of america, propaganda, osama bin laden, september 11


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