A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Diplomacy: The shared view from the top

If you closed your eyes for a minute while listening to what Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday to a group of Likud MKs opposed to an additional 90-day settlement moratorium, you could swear you were hearing Ariel Sharon.

Tags: israel, benjamin netanyahu

Robert Simmons: NATO interested in resolution of S.Caucasus conflicts

NATO is interested in the resolution of conflicts in the South Caucasus region, NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for the South Caucasus and Central Asia Robert Simmons said at the discussions held with the Azerbaijani, Georgian and Armenian public members at the NATO headquarters in Brussels.

Tags: nato, azerbaijan, armenia

Nigeria: 2011 - ‘U.S. Govt to Monitor Polls’

U.S Ambassador to Nigeria, Ambassador Terence Maculley has said that the United States of America will monitor the conduct of forth coming 2011 general elections to ensure that it is conducted in accordance with democratic principles.

Tags: united states, nigeria, polling

New corruption scandal deals blow to India’s image

India's reputation as a place to do business took another hit after the scandal-tainted government charged top public sector bankers with accepting bribes initially estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars.

Tags: india, public opinion, image building, business diplomacy

Moroccan food at a home away from home

Cooking classes are increasingly popular among travelers to Morocco, offering a chance to work with local cooks on delicacies from one of the world's great cuisines, creating delicately spiced tajines, hearty couscous or perfumed date and honey pastries.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, tourism, gastrodiplomacy, morocco

China welcomes growing African trade, but not the Africans who facilitate it

As the southern city of Guangzhou hosts the Asian Games, which will come to a close on Nov. 27 in China, the prosperous city is putting its best face forward and has welcomed foreigners from all across Asia. However, the sweet welcome the visitors are receiving puts the treatment of a growing presence of African immigrants in the city into stark relief.

Tags: china, africa, immigration, economic diplomacy

Expert help from British Museum

The British Museum will help set up the UAE's national museum through the loan of art and assistance with exhibits on falcons and the oil and pearl industries.The Zayed National Museum will receive advice on the training of its Emirati staff and the establishment of its programming from the world famous UK institution.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, united kingdom, united arab emirates, museum diplomacy

The Korean crisis and US carrier diplomacy

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington and its escorts are heading for the waters off the Korean peninsula, in the aftermath of the flare-up between North and South Korea. This is very much gunboat diplomacy 21st Century-style.

Tags: china, united states, government pd, south korea, north korea, military


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