A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

China to enhance cultural soft power in next five years

China will enhance its cultural soft power in the 2011-2015 period, according to a document of the Communist Party of China (CPC) issued Wednesday. ...A public culture service system should be basically established with the emphasis in grassroots rural areas and central and western regions, it said.

Tags: china, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy

Joseph Nye on global power shifts

Historian and diplomat Joseph Nye gives us the 30,000-foot view of the shifts in power between China and the US, and the global implications as economic, political and "soft" power shifts and moves around the globe.

Tags: china, united states, soft power, public opinion, joseph nye

G20 Summit and Korea’s National Image

It's not an exaggeration to say that all eyes will be fixed on Seoul in November with Korea hosting the G20 Summit. Ahead of the global meeting the Presidential Council on Nation Branding organized a conference on how the summit will affect Korea's national brand.

Tags: nation branding, south korea, g20

America Refuses to Understand

Washington is also unable to understand the nature of this geographic region, and how the foreign element is one of the most important factors fueling the conflict in this region. The problem that Washington and its elite are having [in understanding this] is that they are looking at the world from the perspective of the American experience, which is very simple...

Tags: united states, middle east, public opinion, cultural understanding, clash of civilizations

Georgia: Tbilisi Tries to Learn from Philharmonic Flop

Officials in Georgia harbor ambitions of turning the South Caucasus country into a global cultural center, but those plans took a big hit when a deal to bring the New York Philharmonic to Tbilisi imploded recently. Now, Georgian officials are scrambling to repair the damage done to the country’s image.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, georgia, new york philharmonic

Afghanistan War: How not to win over hearts and minds

When officials from Radio Liberty invited me along for a press trip to Jalalabad to watch them distribute radios to the population, I jumped at the chance. After all the gloom and doom of previous weeks, I was desperate for a feel-good story...

Tags: united states, media, public opinion, afghanistan, radio, radio free europe/radio liberty

US fund links USAID with entrepreneurs

The US government has launched a major new initiative to link its aid agency USAID to the private and entrepreneurial sectors in a bid to promote technological innovation in the developing world.

Tags: united states, technology, usaid, innovation, entrepreneurship

Needing Students, Maine School Hunts in China

Faced with dropping enrollment and revenue, the high school in this remote Maine town has fixed on an unlikely source of salvation: Chinese teenagers. Never mind that Millinocket is an hour’s drive from the nearest mall or movie theater, or that it gets an average 93 inches of snow a year.

Tags: china, united states, educational exchange, exchange diplomacy


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