
The 2023 G20 presidency is not only an achievement for India but also the Global South, writes Dr. Sneha Patel of Banaras Hindu University, India.

USC Master of Public Diplomacy student Sudarshan Ramabadran explains how India can use the opportunity of chairing the G-20 and SCO to enhance its global engagement paradigm.

A discussion on the role of people-centered dialogue for global collaboration.

Sohaela Amiri discusses cities' expanding roles at the global negotiating table, from climate change, to winning hearts and minds and beyond.

Shaun Riordan discusses how the importance of the G20 summit goes beyond its communique.
The ever-sunny Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a quick stop at the Global Citizen Festival on the eve of the G20 summit in Hamburg, to chill with none other than British rockers Coldplay and pop star Shakira. Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregoire made a powerful statement on gender equality and the importance of empowering women and girls in the fight for justice at the Global Citizen Festival – an event that raises awareness for issues related to global poverty.
Real power in global governance requires intellectual input into the international financial and economic agenda, policies and rules — the effective exercise of ‘soft’ power. [...] The major substantial outcomes of the G20 to date, including updating international financial regulatory rules through Basel III and international tax cooperation on tax havens, have been mostly led by the Atlantic countries.