A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Turkey’s Doing It Without the Fez On

Turkey is at a crossroads: Its economy is booming, and the Turkish economic miracle is the direct result of the current government’s willingness to foster domestic entrepreneurship and do whatever is necessary to integrate the country into the twenty-first century’s global economy.

Tags: soft power, turkey, islam, nato

China’s Self Inflicted Soft Power Struggle

Recently China has been ramping up its efforts at soft power. Last July Xinhua announced that it would launch a 24 hour English language channel and in 2009 China Central Television (CCTV) launched an Arabic channel. Even the private sector is getting into the act and Blue Ocean Network, China's first privately-owned English language TV network targeted at overseas audiences was launched in 2009.

Tags: china, soft power, cinema

Taiwan uses soft power to raise international profile

Taiwan has been trying to raise its international profile with the goal of becoming a full member of the world community even though its relations with mainland China have improved over the past year, the British Broadcasting Corporation has reported.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, taiwan

Effective Influence & Strategic Communication: Some Conjectured First Principles

The event, hosted in Verona NY by the Association of Old Crows in partnership with the MountainRunner Institute, brought together military practitioners, commanders, academics, media, consultants and others, for a range of talks and discussions relating to propaganda, strategic communication, public diplomacy, information operations (IO) and influence.

Tags: united states, public opinion, non-state actors, propaganda

VOA Must Do a Better Job at Depicting American Life

The second item, reform of [Voice of America’s Persian News Network] PNN, underscores just how important U.S. international broadcasting continues to be in closed societies like Iran. According to [Amir Abbas] Fakhvarar, VOA’s Persian service is only one of two outside networks reaching Iranian audiences—the other being the BBC’s Persian service.

Tags: united states, media, international broadcasting, public opinion, iran, voice of america

U.S. to Send Visual Artists as Cultural Ambassadors

But under a new $1 million program being announced this week, the Obama administration is planning to expand its cultural diplomacy programs to include visual artists like painters and sculptors, who will be asked next year to create public art projects in 15 foreign countries.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors, non-state pd, us department of state, art diplomacy

Beginning Again: How America and Muslim Majority Societies Can Re-Engage

However, leaders cannot put global engagement on hold until these complex problems are solved. In spite of these challenges, governments and civil society on all sides must take an interactive holistic approach to move the relationship forward.

Tags: united states, middle east, public opinion, non-state actors, non-state pd, civil society

China pays a high price in new world order

Branding China as a free rider on the international order not only affects China's relations with the West, but also has strongly negative effects on China's international image.
Fighting this argument is a huge public diplomacy problem for China.

Tags: china, soft power


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