A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Central Command uses social media to respond to ‘enemy propaganda’

On Sept. 2, Chowrangi, an English-language online journal of culture and news in Pakistan, published a story about three explosions in Lahore that killed more than 30 and wounded more than 200, including women and children. Like a lot of online stories, this one sparked vociferous comments.

Tags: social media, propaganda, philip seib, central command

China needs to know cost of maintaining ‘stability’

Despite no-expenses-spared efforts to boost its soft power, such as the Shanghai Expo and plans to open a Xinhua news agency office atop a skyscraper in New York's Times Square, China's image has taken a beating in recent months, what with its tough talk to the United States and Japan, its defence of North Korea and, now, its attacks on the Norwegian Nobel Committee for honouring imprisoned dissident Liu Xiaobo.

Tags: china, united nations, nobel peace prize, liu xiaobo

Soft power makes Taiwan a global contender

After Taiwan embraced democracy at the end of martial law in 1987, it began acquiring soft power in the political, economic, cultural and religious arenas. The nation’s 23 million people now enjoy new freedoms in a changed political environment.

Tags: soft power, taiwan

Image makeover could do with more finesse

In July last year, President Hu Jintao said public diplomacy would be a key focus of China's foreign affairs policy; his administration elevated the new form of diplomacy to a national strategic level. Soon after that, the country launched a "Made in China" advertising campaign in several international media outlets to boost the image of Chinese-made products.

Tags: china, nation branding, nobel peace prize, liu xiaobo

New public affairs team joins Lahore US Consulate General

The US Consulate General in Lahore is pleased to welcome a new team of officers working in its Public Affairs section. Bringing extensive experience from previous diplomatic posts,as well as prior experience in the private media and education sectors, the three public diplomacy officers will work with the media, initiate American cultural programming and increase educational opportunities...

Tags: pakistan, consulate, public affairs

Israel’s foreign workers are diversifying its cuisine

Israel's foreign workers, who mostly comes from Asia, are introducing Tel Aviv's gourmet chefs to Asian cuisine, which has been wildly popular.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, israel, asia pacific, gastrodiplomacy

World Citizen: Will China Challenge U.S. as Global Superpower?

When the Nobel committee selected Liu Xiaobo as the winner of this year's Nobel Peace Prize, the distinction brought unwanted attention to China. For obvious reasons, Beijing did not want the world honoring a man who has dedicated decades to challenging the country's political system. But Beijing, in fact, seems uncomfortable with any kind of attention.

Tags: china, public opinion, military, development, economy, nobel peace prize

Obama is going to Pakistan. India is not amused.

The announcement Thursday that President Obama will visit Pakistan in 2011 has further sapped enthusiasm in India for Mr. Obama’s visit here next month.

Tags: united states, government pd, india, pakistan, public opinion, barack obama


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