A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Into Africa: China expands its presence

With ample liquidity and sufficient expertise in the construction sector, Chinese companies – especially state-owned enterprises – are keen not only to satisfy African countries' need for development, but also to exercise China's 'soft power' on the world stage.

Tags: china, soft power, public opinion, africa

United States and Turkey Sign Science and Technology Agreement

This new Agreement, which replaces an earlier 1994 text, marks an important milestone in the rich history of U.S.-Turkish scientific cooperation. As President Obama stated during his visit to Turkey in April 2009, "…Turkey and the United States must stand together -- and work together -- to overcome the challenges of our time."

Tags: united states, science diplomacy, turkey

Radio Taiwan International: The Voice of Taiwan

In the realm of international broadcasting, Radio Taiwan International (RTI) serves as the “voice of Taiwan.” The station is an amalgamation of the “Voice of Free China” service that served as the Republic of China on Taiwan’s international broadcasting arm plus the Central Broadcasting System, which for years broadcast to mainland China.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, media, international broadcasting, taiwan

Even Ayatollahs use Twitter

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, is visiting Qom, the religious epicenter of Iran and the residence of most of the country's top religious authorities. But a little known fact is that the office of the supreme leader has a Twitter account that is providing updates and links, including pictures, from his visit.

Tags: iran, new technology, twitter, internet diplomacy

BBC World Service - requiem or renaissance?

The transfer of funding for the BBC World Service from the British government to the BBC itself is a surprising move at a time when many other governments are trying to increase their broadcasting and online influence.

Tags: media, international broadcasting, bbc, britain

Can US aid change minds in Pakistan?

The US has been generous to Pakistan in its times of need, but deep-seated hostility towards Washington won't change if people suspect that humanitarian aid has a hidden agenda.

Tags: united states, pakistan, public opinion, aid diplomacy, pakistan flooding

British Power Beyond the Military: Smart On Soft Power

Predictably, there has been much debate about cuts in the defence budget, with spending on aircraft carriers and the renewal of the nuclear deterrent - instruments of 'hard power' - coming under particular scrutiny. Less has been said about the implications for the country's 'soft power': the BBC World Service, British Council and intellectual capital.

Tags: soft power, public opinion, hard power, bbc, british council, britain

Making friends and enemies

...if a nation wants to influence people and win friends around the globe it is easier to do if its image abroad is positive. In this context then Australia today has something to worry about.

Tags: soft power, nation branding, public opinion, australia, simon anholt


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