A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

US offers 125 scholarships for Pakistani journalists

The United States will provide 125 scholarships to Pakistani journalists during 2011 as part of public diplomacy and capacity building cooperation, Federal Information and Broadcasting Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira said after leading discussions with senior American officials on public diplomacy.

Tags: united states, government pd, pakistan, journalism, exchange diplomacy

Entrepreneurship as Diplomacy

If there ever were a time for a new beginning in this country, it is now. The recession is still very much with us. Global crises and disasters compound daily. Our national attention is consumed with political candidates on both sides of the aisle who seem to have completely lost their minds. And yet amidst the absurdities, there are signs of real hope and cause for optimism.

Tags: non-state pd, corporate diplomacy, entrepreneurship

Is Obama trying to dodge a head gear controversy in India?

President Obama will visit India next month. But his staff may have taken a trip to the Golden Temple off the agenda as it would involve wearing head gear, possibly furthering speculation that he is Muslim.

Tags: india, public opinion, faith diplomacy, religion, sikhism

‘U.S. dramas distort S. Korea image’

Many images of South Korea in hit American television series have been “distorted,” raising concerns over their detrimental impact on the country’s overall image, a ruling party lawmaker pointed out Thursday.

Tags: united states, nation branding, south korea, television diplomacy

Does Facebook Have a Foreign Policy?

In the United States, the pressure on Facebook, relatively mild so far, comes mostly from journalists and advocacy groups like the Electronic Privacy Information Center. But the time is coming when Facebook will begin to face ever more intense international pressure from foreign governments unpleased, for one reason or another, with how the site operates.

Tags: united states, public opinion, new technology, corporate diplomacy, facebook, internet diplomacy

Italy’s River to River fest turns 10 - with Satyajit Ray

The Satyajit Ray classic “Aranyer Din Ratri” will be this year’s highlight at River to River, Italy’s only festival of Indian cinema that is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Four films by India’s master filmmaker...will be screened in the retrospective section at the weeklong festival that opens in Florence Dec 3.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india, non-state actors, non-state pd, film diplomacy, italy

Twin Cities and Peoplehood

When two young Jews were shot dead at a gay club in Israel last summer, New York’s gay Jewish community responded immediately. The West Village congregation for gay Jews, Congregation Beth Simchat Torah, reached out to friends they made in Israel through a city-to-city partnership established 10 years ago.

Tags: united states, non-state actors, israel, non-state pd, sister cities

‘We Can’t Allow Ourselves to Be Out-Communicated by Our Enemies’

The story of U.S. international broadcasting is getting something of a fresh start, or at least opening a new chapter. Eight new board members sit on the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which sets funding and gives direction to those efforts.

Tags: united states, bbg, broadcasting


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