A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Using Art to Keep ‘Africa in Motion’

The “Africa in Motion” symposium, which took place last Thursday and Friday in the basement of the Northwest Labs, was at once a celebration of Harvard’s recent top-notch scholarship and a sobering reminder of the work that needs to be done to solve the continent’s problems.

Tags: soft power, africa, music diplomacy, art diplomacy, photography

Why ‘Multi-Kulti’ Is Failing in Europe

Multiculturalism just doesn't work in Germany, according to Chancellor Angela Merkel. Speaking to the youth association of her Christian Democrat Union party (CDU), she said that the "multi-kulti" concept that "we are now living side-by-side and are happy about it ... this approach has failed, utterly." Merkel described this as living in "parallel societies" similar to the Chinatowns of New York and San Francisco or the Little Italy in Philadelphia.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, germany, immigration, cultural engagement

Qatar: a tiny state with global ambitions

Looking at pictures of the statuesque Emir of Qatar (the emphasis is on the first vowel, by the way), and his even more statuesque wife, they seem perfectly at home in London. There’s a reason for that. His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, to give him his full title, owns large parts of it.

Tags: government pd, united kingdom, qatar, influence, economic relations

Philharmonic Renews Effort to Visit Cuba

The New York Philharmonic canceled a trip to Havana last year because the United States government refused to allow its wealthy patrons to go along, saying they would essentially be tourists. That violates sanctions banning most travel to Cuba.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors, non-state pd, cuba, new york philharmonic

Nation Branding at the 2010 World Expo

Over the last months Jay Wang from the USC Center on Public Diplomacy in Los Angeles, CA has done a formidable work covering the pavillions of some of the most important countries and the world and has also interviewed some of the executives in charge of them.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, nation branding, shanghai expo, shanghai

How countries introduce themselves at the Shanghai Expo

Earlier this week we looked at how countries have taken different tactics in their nation branding efforts at the Shanghai’s World Expo. But, how do these approaches render in real life?

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, nation branding, shanghai expo, shanghai

The World’s Pastime (Photographs)

From Caracas to Seoul, America's beloved sport is a global obsession.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, sports diplomacy, baseball

Chinese train with Thai forces for first time

China is expanding its military reach by sending, for the first time, a marine unit of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to train with another country in an upcoming exercise with Thailand's armed forces.

Tags: china, government pd, military, thailand


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