A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

A notional model for evaluating public diplomacy

The U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy met last week to discuss its biennial report to appraise U.S. Government activities intended to understand, inform, and influence foreign publics. In 2008, the Commission come out with a report on the human resource aspect of public diplomacy.

Tags: united states, public diplomacy evaluation, us advisory commission on public diplomacy

The White House Embraces Smart Power: Now What?

“Smart power” is supposedly the Hegelian synthesis of soft and hard power instruments of foreign policy. In reality, though, it usually means downgrading hard power in favor of soft power, which is precisely what is happening in America today.

Tags: barack obama, smart power, usaid, white house

Chinese Film, Culture Star In Festival

The inaugural Chinese Film and Cultural Festival is meant to improve communication and understanding between China and the U.S. through cultural and artistic exchange.

Tags: china, united states, Cultural Diplomacy, film diplomacy

Department of State Completes Selection of Deputy Assistant Secretaries for Public Diplomacy

The State Department announced today that it had completed a key component of its strategic framework for public diplomacy, with the selection of Deputy Assistant Secretaries for public diplomacy in the Department’s six geographic bureaus and a Deputy Assistant Secretary for international media engagement in the Bureau of Public Affairs.

Tags: united states, government pd, us department of state

Enduring Leadership: Marshall’s Legacy For American Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century

The global challenges we face today require a strategic, multidimensional approach to public diplomacy. Our Government must develop new ways to communicate and engage with foreign publics at all levels of society. In doing so, we must do a better job of listening; learn how people in other countries and cultures listen to us; understand their desires and aspirations; and provide them with information and services of value to them.

Tags: judith mchale, marshall plan, speeches

Vatican synod mulls Middle East Christian exodus

With Christianity dwindling in its Middle Eastern birthplace, Pope Benedict has convened Catholic bishops from the region to debate how to save its minority communities and promote harmony with their Muslim neighbors.

Tags: middle east, faith diplomacy, non-state actors, non-state pd, vatican

Iran president thanks Pope for condemning Koran threat

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written to the Pope, thanking him for condemning an American pastor's threat to burn the Koran last month. In his letter, Mr Ahmadinejad also called for closer co-operation between Iran and the Vatican.

Tags: united states, iran, faith diplomacy, vatican, pope benedict xvi, ahmadinejad

Why Walmart struggles in India

The timing for Walmart's first buyer-seller summit in India earlier this month couldn't have been better. As Indian firms keen to tap the retailing giant's global network prepared their pitches, the Indian government gave the first concrete sign that it may be ready to open up its potentially huge retail market to foreign investors — an opportunity that America's largest retailer has been chasing for as many as 20 years.

Tags: united states, india, non-state pd, corporate diplomacy


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