A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Saudi youth delegation to visit Seoul

As part of a major cultural exchange initiative, a Saudi youth delegation will visit South Korea on Nov. 2 as part of efforts to strengthen bilateral relations. A 10-member Korean youth delegation is currently in the Kingdom.

Tags: south korea, cultural exchange, saudi arabia, educational exchange

Nobel Upsets Chinese Diplomacy

The announcement of the Norwegian Nobel Committee provided an upset ending for a week of public diplomacy by China in Europe. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao had toured European capitals showering goodwill and lucrative investment deals for cash-strapped European economies.

Tags: beijing olympics, dalai lama, nobel peace prize

Envoy urges Malaysia to grant Taiwan visa-free access

Taiwan's representative to Malaysia on Friday urged the Southeast Asian country to grant Taiwanese citizens visa-free privileges as a gift to mark the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China, which falls on Oct. 10.

Tags: taiwan, cultural relations, malaysia, visas

Israel lets 300 Druze clerics visit Syria for first time

Around 300 Israeli Druze are for the first time to be allowed into Syria for a religious visit after they were given permission by the interior ministry, the head of Israel's Druze community said on Thursday.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, middle east, faith diplomacy, israel, religion, syria, cultural relations

World Bank, Nike Team Up for ‘The Girl Effect’ Initiative

The Adolescent Girls Initiative partners the World Bank, the Nike Foundation and governments of developing and developed nations to empower girls in poor countries. The two-year-old program is helping girls in Asia, Africa and the Middle East gain the education and skills they need to transition into the workforce.

Tags: corporate diplomacy, celebrity diplomacy, world bank, nike

Cut Off Aid to Pakistan

The U.S. relationship with Pakistan offers a perfect example of a dysfunctional relationship that neither side seems willing to end. During the Cold War the United States had an on again, off again relationship with Pakistan, hoping that a pious nation would counter communist influence.

Tags: united states, pakistan, aid diplomacy, terrorism

Can Russia Embrace A New Model For Central Asia?

Small and impoverished, Kyrgyzstan has seen two "colored" revolutions in five years, the 2005 Tulip Revolution and the events of April 2010. Now it is on the verge of a historic opportunity to create an island of democracy in a region where for two decades president-dictators have ruled with impunity.

Tags: soft power, russia, kyrgyzstan

Can Alhurra be saved?

Since its launch in 2004 Alhurra Satellite TV and its sister Radio Sawa have cost the American tax-payers more than 700 million US dollars. Alhurra’s remit was to win hearts and minds in the Arab World.

Tags: al jazeera, alhurra


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