A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Special Report: The Balance of Power in Asia

After decades of peace and growing prosperity, the strategic environment in Asia is increasingly marked by tension and rivalry. China's rise as an economic and military power has forced its neighbors to reassess their relative standing.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, asia pacific, south asia

Conservatives slam Wulff for Islam remarks

Leading conservative German politicians assailed President Christian Wulff on Tuesday for comments intimating Islam had gained a status comparable to Christianity and Judaism in Germany.

Tags: public opinion, faith diplomacy, europe, islam, germany, muslim

Presentation of World Youth Day 2011

A press conference was held this morning in the Holy See Press Office to present the next World Youth Day, which is due to be held in the Spanish capital city of Madrid in August 2011.

Tags: faith diplomacy, europe, youth, spain, vatican, catholic church, pope benedict xvi

China’s ‘frown diplomacy’ in Southeast Asia

The "smile diplomacy" in Southeast Asia that China watchers used to describe has been reversed by Beijing - into a frown. In the eyes of more than a few East Asian foreign-policymakers, China has come close to deleting the first letter in the "charm offensive" that Joshua Kurlantzick surveyed in his 2007 book by that name.

Tags: china, public opinion, smart power

Christian Caryl Named Head of RFE Washington Bureau

Distinguished journalist Christian Caryl will lead RFE's efforts to step up news coverage from the nation's capital as he assumes the role of Chief Editor of RFE's Washington, D.C. bureau. Caryl is a regular contributor to Foreign Policy and the New York Review of Books and is a Senior Fellow at MIT's Center for International Studies.

Tags: united states, media, government pd, radio free europe/radio liberty

Much more than Commonwealth Games needed for lasting national prestige

The impressive opening ceremony showcased India's many talents and its prowess as an emerging global player. Unfortunately, the rough run-up to the CWG was, and still is a major embarrassment for India and tarnishes its image as it competes with other emerging economies such as China, South Africa and Brazil on the global stage.

Tags: india, public opinion, image building, commonwealth games

Beijing on a culture offensive

China's Minister of Culture Cai Wu, who was on a first-ever visit to Taiwan in early September, said cultural exchanges should be immediately stepped up and the two sides should sign a cultural cooperation agreement.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, taiwan

Getting to Know You: Iraqi Refugee Kids and US School Kids

Young Iraqi refugees in Syria are in touch with US kids thanks to a novel idea to bring them together via web chats and video conferences. From there, friendships have blossomed

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, syria, iraq, educational exchange, refugees


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