A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Africa needs a culture of science

For science and technology to contribute to development goals, countries must embrace a 'science culture' — a scientifically enlightened society where research findings can be better and more efficiently used to produce goods and services

Tags: public opinion, science diplomacy, africa, technology

Iraqi Kurds Keen to Use Iran’s Cultural Experience

Director-General of the culture and art office of Iraq's northern city of Sulaymaniyah voiced the Kurdish region's willingness to use Iran's experiences in cultural fields.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, iran, iraq, kurds

Secretary Clinton Congratulates Winners of First Apps4Africa Competition

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton today congratulated the winners of the first Apps4Africa competition, which brought together local technology entrepreneurs to build tools that serve the needs of local Non-Governmental Organizations and their communities.

Tags: united states, africa, new technology

SA, Germany in cultural exchange

Drawing a link between the release of Nelson Mandela 20 years ago and the reunification of East and West Germany in the same year, the German Consulate in Cape Town is hosting a series of exhibitions, debates, films and music events.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, europe, cultural exchange, south africa, film diplomacy, germany

EU-China seek to boost cultural ties

Europe and China must "invest more in the great potential of our people-to-people relations" to fully benefit from their strategic partnership, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso said this morning (6 October) at a press conference alongside Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, europe, european union, people-to-people

Singapore’s booming appetite to study Mandarin

There are four official languages in Singapore: English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. When the country gained independence in 1965, the government decided to keep English as the main language in order to maximise economic prosperity. Mandarin, however, has always been an important language too.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, language, singapore

Building capacity: investing in the Palestinian people

Standing atop the world stage at last month's UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals, a resolute President Obama boldly revealed a core element of his administration's new global development policy--one that would "unleash transformational change." One place in desperate need of that change remains the Occupied Palestinian Territory, a key focus of administration efforts.

Tags: united states, palestine, development, business, millennium development goals

New BBG chief wants more money to combat “enemies” such

The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) has a new chairman in Walter Isaacson, and the former CNN and Time magazine chief is calling for even more money for the BBG to combat the public diplomacy efforts of America's "enemies," which he identifies as Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and China.

Tags: china, media, iran, russia, europe, americas, venezuela, bbg


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