A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

U.S. envoy reaches out to Koreans through sports

Sports are making the well-known ambassador, who often goes by her Korean name, Shim Eun-kyung, even more popular among Koreans. She regularly plays tennis, for example, with Korean friends at her residence behind downtown Seoul's Deoksu Palace.

Tags: united states, south korea, sports diplomacy

A Different Kind of P2P: The Rhythm Road: American Music Abroad

In a recent CBS Sunday Morning program on The Rhythm Road: American Music Abroad, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quite rationally asserts, "I think there are certainly times music conveys American values better than a speech."

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, hillary clinton, us department of state, music diplomacy

France 24 flips the switch for a brand new Arabic channel

Move over Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya. Lay witness to yet another Arabic 24/7 television news channel to enter the high-stakes game of international broadcasting in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena).

Tags: middle east, media, international broadcasting, france, arab media, north africa, arab, arabic

India’s Options in Afghanistan

For the US the war seems to have intensified from Afghanistan to a public diplomacy initiative in a West vs Islamdebate. Whether the US public diplomacy initiatives can resolve this larger cause to marginalise the radical Islamic elements across the globe is a tough ask at the best of times, especially now.

Tags: india, pakistan, afghanistan, barack obama, hamid karzai

In Havana, Jam Sessions With a Master Trumpeter

Wynton Marsalis pulled a young Cuban trumpeter aside as he left the Mella Theater here on Wednesday after a Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra concert. The band was here for a residency that ended over the weekend, and Mr. Marsalis had seen 17-year-old Kalí Rodríguez play a few nights earlier at an official reception for the American musicians.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors, cuba, jazz diplomacy

Beijing’s muscle-flexing faces a pushback

Imperial edicts in medieval China typically ended by exhorting lowly subjects to “tremble and obey”; from all available evidence, the edicts had just the desired effect.In the modern era, however, China’s muscular assertion of its recently acquired economic and political might to get the rest of the world to “tremble and obey” may have run its course and is beginning to face a global pushback.

Tags: china, soft power, economic exchange

Cinematic medium can bring a dramatic change in rural microfinance

Train a man and you will feed a mouth. Train a woman, and you will feed a family. This adage has found form in remote villages of Tamil Nadu, in the form of “relevant cinema”. A film is being taken by road through the interiors of the state where mainstream cinema is rarely accessible. Surprisingly, the plot of the movie is business management.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, india, microfinance

In Rough Slum, Brazil’s Police Try Soft Touch

Years of hate and mistrust are thawing in some of Rio’s most violent slums. Pushed to alleviate security concerns before the city’s double-billing on the international stage — the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games — Rio officials have embarked on an ambitious plan to wrest control of the slums, or favelas, from ruthless drug gangs who ruled for years with big guns and abject terror.

Tags: government pd, brazil, law enforcement


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