A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Iran Asserts ‘Soft Power’ Influence In Iraq

During the most violent years of the Iraq war, American commanders believed that neighboring Iran was behind insurgent attacks, as a way to keep the country unstable. As U.S. forces slowly depart Iraq, officials say Iran is moving toward a more soft-power approach, trying to influence politics, social services and the economy.

Tags: soft power, government pd, iran, faith diplomacy, tourism, iraq

Australian training for foreign officers

Mid-level foreign affairs officers from across the region will be participating in a training programme which seeks to increase their awareness of diplomatic issues presently facing small island Caribbean states.

Tags: government pd, australia, caribbean, trinidad and tobago

USAID looks to expand its media-building efforts in Afghanistan

Saying that "freedom of information is essential to stabilizing and rebuilding Afghanistan," the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has decided to expand its media activities in that country.

Tags: united states, media, government pd, afghanistan, usaid

Would you buy Pakistan?

Marketing cannot be limited to individuals or enterprises. Pakistan is in dire need of a new image and nation branding can help build it. When Pakistan was conveniently paired with Afghanistan to form the so-called ‘Af-Pak’ region, world over people were made to think that both countries stand in the same line when it comes to infrastructure and economy.

Tags: nation branding, pakistan, public opinion, afghanistan

Qatar’s Bid for World Cup 2022: To Build a Nation or a Region?

How do you create that elusive quality of 'culture'?... One popular strategy is the international sporting event. It is no secret that the Olympic Games, Formula One Grand Prix and World Cups are viewed by leaders not just as money-spinners, but as opportunities to demonstrate all their country has to offer and to recast national stereotypes for the better.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, middle east, nation branding, public opinion, qatar

Flood disaster creates opportunity for U.S.-Pakistan relations

The devastating flood in Pakistan has create an opportunity for the U.S. government to show its commitment to the country and improve America's tattered image there, but that will be a tough slog, experts say.

Tags: united states, pakistan, public opinion, aid diplomacy

Live television programme warms up ties

A live television programme linking the capital cities of Vietnam, Laos and France was broadcast on July 31 to mark President Ho Chi Minh’s 120th birthday and the 20th anniversary of UNESCO’s recognition of him as "a hero of national liberation and a great man of culture."

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, france, vietnam, dance, laos

Reforming Smith-Mundt: Making American Public Diplomacy Safe for Americans

American public diplomacy has been the subject of many reports and much discussion over the past few years. But one rarely examined element is the true impact of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which for all practical purposes labels U.S. public diplomacy and government broadcasting as propaganda.

Tags: united states, international broadcasting, smith-mundt act


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