A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Cleaning Up Intersection of Ancient and Modern

For the last 45 years, the Israel Museum has been both the crown jewel of this country’s cultural heritage and a bit of a mess. It has the most extensive holdings of land-of-Israel archaeology anywhere (including a heel bone pierced by an iron nail with wood fragments, the world’s only physical evidence of crucifixion), an encyclopedic collection of Judaica and an exceptional group of Modernist artworks.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, middle east, israel

Golden Apricot Film Festival Concludes

The 7th annual Golden Apricot International Film Festival came to an end this past weekend in Yerevan, with closing ceremonies conducted by French-Armenian filmmaker Serge Avedikian whose film, Barking Island officially closed the festival at the Moscow Cinema on July 18. Avedikian’s film was just one of five hundred films submitted this year from seventy five countries, the most in the festival’s short seven year life-span.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd, film diplomacy, armenia

US to enhance assistance for education: Conroy

Ninety-eight per cent of the visa applications from Pakistan are rejected for being relied upon fake documents. Even strong candidates make their cases doubtful by just attaching one fake document to their application. This was stated by US Consulate Consul General Carmella Conroy while addressing the students of Government College University on ‘the role of the United States for promotion of education in Pakistan’ here [Lahore] on Tuesday

Tags: united states, government pd, pakistan, education diplomacy

How UAE culture is making a mark in Assilah

As guest of honour at Morocco's Assilah Festival, the UAE is making the most of the opportunity to showcase its artists

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, art diplomacy, united arab emirates, morocco

Public Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics

While U.S. public diplomacy since September 11, 2001, has focused on countering terrorism and the radicalization of the Muslim world, China has been moving ahead, taking a page out of the U.S. playbook. Aiming to promote their model of governance, the Chinese have invested heavily in public diplomacy.

Tags: china, united states, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, confucius institutes, confucius institutes project

The Israeli Pavilion: Broadening the Discourse About Israel (Videoblog)

Rebranding Israel at Shanghai Expo

Tags: nation branding, shanghai expo, israel

In the interest of informed debate

What sort of creeping threat is posed by public diplomacy theorists? Is it a particular theory and or scholar that threatens the bedrock of practical pedagogy in public diplomacy?

Tags: united states, public opinion, pd theory, pd studies

Americans: Empower Women. Taliban: Kill Women

In Afghanistan, where women have traditionally been treated as shut-ins and worse, 29 Afghan women are taking a daring step: They are the first volunteers to undergo training to serve in the all-male Afghan national army.

Tags: united states, government pd, afghanistan, women, military


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