A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

State Department moves ahead with Facebook-style site

Many academics warn against relying on new forms of media like Wikipedia or Facebook for reliable information. However, an initiative at the State Department is taking advantage of these very platforms to improve agency performance and transparency.

Tags: united states, new technology, new media, us department of state, facebook

Artists perform in honor of Hillary Clinton at PNCA

Three artists of Tabla, violin and flute performed at Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) here on Monday to welcome US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. ...a large number of US Embassy officials, media persons and people belonging to different walks of life were among the audience...

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, pakistan, non-state pd, hillary clinton, us department of state

India needs to exploit soft skills

Today, India has an historic opportunity to claim its rightful place. But will India be able to assert itself on the global stage? Will the pride of this resurgent India emerge to counter factors that affect our image? Building Brand India is an imperative we cannot afford to ignore.

Tags: soft power, nation branding, india, public opinion

Disaster Response 2.0: Learning From Haiti

The technologies that came to the fore in Haiti are not new. They include everyday technologies -- mobile phones, online mapping tools, GPS, and social networking. What is new is their use in the humanitarian context at the scale seen in the global response to Haiti's catastrophic quake.

Tags: united states, public opinion, new technology, aid diplomacy, new media, haiti, humanitarian aid

Japan wants to exit aid politics as China muscles in

Japan has indicated it wants to exit from the system of aiding poor countries. The move comes at a time of weakening US economy, and China’s drive to enlarge its role in the arena of aid politics in both Africa and Asia.

Tags: china, aid diplomacy, japan, asia pacific, economy

In Pakistan, Hillary Clinton announces new aid projects, lauds mango

They are part of a broader move to quell anti-Americanism by convincing Pakistanis that the US has a deeper commitment to the country, a key ally in the war in Afghanistan.

Tags: united states, pakistan, public opinion, hillary clinton, aid diplomacy, us department of state

Updating Smith-Mundt for the 21st Century

Since 1948, Cold War legislation has been tying the hands of practitioners of U.S. public diplomacy and international broadcasting. The law in question is the Smith-Mundt Act, which was intended to allow the State Department to counter Soviet propaganda in foreign media...

Tags: united states, media, international broadcasting, public opinion, smith-mundt act

Public diplomacy plan fails to utilize non-Hebrew speakers

Despite promises made in February by Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein, the government’s latest hasbara campaign focused on involving average Israelis in the effort to defend the Jewish state abroad has remained an exclusively Hebrew affair.

Tags: public opinion, israel, non-state pd, language, citizen diplomacy, hebrew


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