A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

N.Y.U. Abu Dhabi Scours Globe for Top Students

American colleges have long had branch campuses and international programs in which students spend a semester or two abroad. John Sexton, N.Y.U.’s president, is about to open the doors on a more ambitious project.

Tags: educational exchange, abu dhabi

Iraqi students come to U.S. colleges to help rebuild country

Iraqi and American educators are collaborating to bring Iraqi students to the USA, where they will study at American universities and then return home to help rebuild Iraq's higher-education infrastructure.

Tags: iraq, educational exchange, scholarship

Siddiqui: Gulf states learn to wield soft power

The centre of gravity of the Arab world has clearly shifted from Egypt, Syria and Jordan to the Gulf. UAE and Qatar, in particular, are wielding geopolitical soft power and have become key players, along with Turkey and Iran.

Tags: qatar, gulf states

Just Wild About Obama

Newly released international opinion polls of the image of the United States bring the good news that global publics continue to view the American president and United States as a country in a favorable light.

Tags: barack obama

Canada is a global heavyweight in the eyes of emerging powers: survey

In the eyes of the world’s emerging powers Canada is a global player with enormous economic and political influence, but among its old friends in the G8, Canada is a veritable lightweight.

Tags: canada, g20

The General Speaks…

Yesterday– 18 June 2010 – marked the seventieth anniversary of one of the great broadcasts in the history of international broadcasting: the broadcast from London of General Charles de Gaulle to the people of German-occupied France.

Tags: media, international broadcasting, public opinion, europe, france, radio

Cultural Diplomacy in Iowa

Iran is a country whose culture and governance is not easily reduced to simple statements or characterizations. What we read in the corporate media is much different from our growing understanding of Iran.

Tags: iran, cultural understanding

Good things about the Lugar Report on International Broadcasting

Paul Foldi and his colleagues on (fellow Hoosier) Senator Richard Lugar's staff have prepared the report: "U.S. International Broadcasting -- Is Anybody Listening? -- Keeping the U.S. Connected." This is an uncommonly thorough and thoughtful report about the challenges to U.S. international broadcasting.

Tags: international broadcasting, lugar report


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