A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Mexico to hire PR firms to scrub drug war image

Mexican President Felipe Calderon is launching a global public relations campaign to try to improve his country's image and neutralize coverage of the violent drug war scaring away tourists and foreign investors.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, mexico, drug wars

India’s Edge Over China: Soft Power

As the world's largest democracy, with a vibrant press and thriving entertainment industry, India has huge soft power advantages over China and its state-controlled media. The implication is India can take advantage of that goodwill as Asia's two giants battle for influence in the region and around the world.

Tags: china, soft power, india

Aid: The Double-Edged Blade

What we have failed to notice is how it [foreign aid] also makes pariahs of those countries in international public opinion, stealing their dignity as proper states with history, culture, nature, wisdom, language, learning and human endeavour by branding them as nothing more than victims and beggars for decades to come.

Tags: nation branding, government pd, public opinion, aid diplomacy, simon anholt

Israel announces easing of Gaza Strip blockade

Israel announced Thursday that it will loosen its blockade of the Gaza Strip and allow more goods to enter the territory. The decision came in response to international pressure on Israel to end its siege of the strip following an Israeli raid on a Turkish aid ship that left nine activists dead.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, israel, gaza flotilla

The Icelandic Government should send China a Clear Message, MP says

Ögumundur Jónasson, a member of Althingi for the Left Green and former Minister of Health, wants the Icelandi authorities to send the government of China a clear message that closer cooperation between the two countries does not mean that Iceland will ignore human rights violations in China.

Tags: china, government pd, iceland, currency

Palestine is Open for Business

Going beyond the notion of "economic peace," Palestinians are purposefully building and preparing for political independence...the Palestinians aim for a convergence between the program of building the essential elements of statehood and the diplomatic negotiating process to end the occupation, and the conflict, in order to achieve a sustainable peace.

Tags: government pd, palestine, economic diplomacy

Changes at State Public Diplomacy

Dan Sreebny has joined the Office of Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Judith McHale as a Senior Media Advisor.

Tags: united states, government pd, under secretary for public diplomacy and public affairs

The Future of E.U.-Russian Relations

What we now have is a chaotic E.U. policy toward Russia, with some member states holding the others hostage. Surely it is time governments realized that medium- and long-term interests are better served by consistency rather than bilateralism.

Tags: public opinion, russia, europe, european union


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