A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Nigeria: We’re Still Pursuing Citizen Diplomacy, Says Ajumogobia

Lagos — The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Odein Ajumogobia has said he will not jettison the Citizen Diplomacy policy started by his predecessor, Chief Ojo Maduekwe, since he sees the present administration as a continuation of the previous one.

Tags: citizen diplomacy, nigeria

President Obama losing the confidence of Muslim countries, new survey shows

As U.K. pundits and politicians slam the president for assigning blame to Britain over the BP oil spill disaster, a new survey shows Obama falling out of favor in Muslim nations, too.

Tags: barack obama

Elton John aside, Israelis feel growing isolation

Tel, Aviv, Israel — Pounding his piano in blue-tinted sunglasses before nearly 50,000 screaming fans, Elton John took center stage in a battle over Israel's image.

Tags: nation branding, celebrity diplomacy

A Politically Correct War

As the administration did with its recent National Security Strategy—in which the enemy was identified only as Al Qaeda and any reference to Islamism was left out—the Obama team seems eager to paint the Muslim world as largely blameless for the actions of a few deranged individuals. It is part of Obama’s broader strategy of winning back the affections of the Islamic world.

Tags: united states, middle east, government pd, national security strategy

Two Approaches to Israel’s Public Diplomacy

As the news of the Flotilla started its advance through the world, very little information was coming from Israel. It was in the late evening hours of Sunday, May 30th, and Monday was Memorial Day Holiday in the United States. The Flotilla left on its break-the-blockade-or-die mission a week earlier, on or about the 24th of May. It was a surreal feeling - would there be any response as America was in a long holiday weekend?

Tags: government pd, public opinion, israel, gaza flotilla

China all the buzz in S.Africa

While the absence of the Chinese soccer team in the 2010 South Africa World Cup disappoints local fans, made-in- China products are ubiquitous at the quadrennial gala, which also sees its first Chinese sponsor this year.

Tags: china, non-state pd, fifa world cup

FIFA Wary of Upsetting N.Korea at World Cup

FIFA exercises tremendous influence with its financial clout and sports diplomacy, but it has been very accommodating to North Korea, since an unexpected move by the North could throw a spanner into the event.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, north korea, fifa world cup

Expo an opportunity to strengthen EU-China relations: official

The Shanghai World Expo is "a perfect opportunity to build on and further strengthen the good relations" between the European Union and China, an EU official said Thursday. "The European Union is China's main economic partner and we have built a strategic partnership with the Chinese government over the years," Viviane Reding, vice president of the EU Commission, told Xinhua in an interview.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, shanghai expo, european union


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